"Neutral Turkmenistan" newspaper

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-18, 39-95-82, 39-95-88
Email: neutralturkmenistan-gazeti@online.tm


Sun, beaches and sea bree­ze

kilometres of sandy beaches, infinite silence, disturbed only by the sounds of a surging wave, and comfortable hotels await you in the Avaza national tourism zone. There everything is ready for a vacation of full value. These are deluxe hotels, children’s recreation centres and houses for family vacation located in its territories, cottage settlements and a handmade river, colourful fountains and an open-air concert hall, parks and children’s entertainment centres. The Avaza national tourism zone can impress not only with the refinement of its hotels with the highest level of comfort and service, but also with a huge choice among possibilities of recreation and entertainment facilities. Many will surely find entertainment in the sports grounds and in the fitness centres of the hotels. Much is also provided for children, including game rooms. On the instructions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, transport routes have been organised to the place of vacation and back from it, measures have been taken to provide hotels and children’s recreation centres with sufficient volumes of food products, and work is underway to organise concerts and other cultural events.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

Latest news

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited a plant for the production of gasoline from natural gas, built in the Ahal velayat, where he acquainted himself with the activities of the newest industrial complex and exchanged views with the leaders of the oil and gas sector regarding the construction of its second stage and also made a helicopter flight over a number of large facilities, during which he inspected the progress of construction work. * * *

In the interests of the people

the Constitution of Turkmenistan begins with the words, “We, the people of Turkmenistan...” The very concept of “people” as a political and legal category is the core of our Constitution, encompassing all its components. According to the Basic Law, the people are bearers of sovereignty and the only source of power in Turkmenistan, exercising their power directly or through representative bodies. It is this principle enshrined in the Constitution that relates to universal principles of humane value and is inherent in most modern democratic constitutions. This means that the state power in our country is exercised in the interests of the people and exclusively by the bodies authorised by the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the legislation adopted on its basis.

We preserve the heritage of our ancestors

On the significant holiday for our country, the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag, a conference devoted to the important event was held at the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan. The collection of the museum was replenished with two new relics, which became valuable exhibits. These are a kurte (national cape for the bride) and patterned knitted socks made by the mother of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Ogulabat eje half a century ago. The foundations of moral and cultural values are instilled primarily in the family, which, being a unit of society, forms a behavioural norm from birth. According to the national leader, culture is an inexhaustible source of strength, which contributes to the formation of the national characteristics of each of the peoples and is a spiritual bridge of rapprochement. The Turkmen people are one of the most ancient peoples of the planet, who have preserved their ethnic and historical integrity for thousands of years and have made a significant contribution to the political, spiritual, moral and economic development of the world from the earliest eras. The event was organised by the Ministry of Culture of the country. In our state, programme activities are being carried out to instil in young people a sense of patriotism, to preserve our national heritage and to raise the interest of the younger generation in stud

Prosper, our sunny Ashgabat!

This year is special for all of us – the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Turkmen state and 140th anniversary of the foundation of Ashgabat. Today, Turkmenistan is a self-sufficient and dynamically developing state. Its successes astonish the whole world. Our land has been multinational and hospitable for centuries. Representatives of different nationalities have lived here in friendship and concord for many centuries. Over the years of independence, our beloved city of Ashgabat has also developed. It is now by right called the “pearl of Asia”. On the eve of one of the most favourite and traditional Turkmen holidays, Ashgabat Day, there is an opportunity to sum up the way covered and to open a new page in history, which will be even brighter, fuller and more interesting.

Turkmen Students Successfully Perform in International Subject Olympiads

At the end of the academic year, the educational institutions all over our country conduct solemn ceremonies to announce and honour the winners in various national and international contests and competitions. The examples include the performance of the students from Yagshigeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas in the marathon of international subject Olympiads. An impressive collection of Olympic victories that is a significant replenishment of not only the achievements of the students from the International University of Oil and Gas, but also the national treasury of the intellectual achievements of Turkmen youth is their excellent gift for the upcoming significant holiday of the main city of our country – the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat.

Dedications to the Anniversary of the Turkmen Capital

Symbols of Beauty, Peace and Goodness On the eve of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Turkmen capital city, exhibitions, creative contests and shows are being held at its numerous art venues, and all of them are devoted to the forthcoming celebration. An exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Ishanguly ISHANGULIYEV was held at the Museum of Fine Arts on the initiative of the Secretariat of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO and with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the country.

Planning a Vacation

On the eve of the summer season, when many Turkmen people started planning their vacation and the place of its spending, it was announced that the summer holiday season would open in the Avaza national tourism zone from June 1 till September 1. That was announced at a recent meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, where the issues of creating conditions for a full and relaxing vacation and strengthening the health of the Turkmen people were discussed. In addition, the rules of travelling to the seaside resort and to the country’s recreation centres were announced at an offsite meeting of the Emergency Commission for combating the spread of diseases, held last Friday with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. At the government meetings, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed the need to thoroughly prepare recreation complexes in the Avaza national tourism zone for the upcoming summer holiday season and to keep sanitary standards under strict control. Thus, the issues of ecology and sanitary-epidemiological state of the Caspian Sea water, desalination plants and other facilities, as well as places of swimming and recreation of people, are to be in the centre of constant attention. In addition, water, air and soil samples are to be collected on a systematic basis at certain points along the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea and a report on the

Bagabagt Sanatorium: Meeting International Standards

Wholesome recreation is essential to good health. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov attaches particular significance to creating the conditions conducive to recreation and health improvement in our country. The main principle “The state is for the people!” is reflected in the specific projects, including the construction of healthcare facilities in all parts of the country. Our correspondent visited the Bagabat sanatorium to see how the Turkmen people recreate and improve their health there. The Bagabat sanatorium is located at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains, not far from Ashgabat, in the Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal velayat. Since ancient times, local people have known legends about the life-giving air of this place. The studies conducted by Turkmen scientists have confirmed the beneficial effects of clean mountain air and walking in sunny weather on the physical health and wellbeing of people, their mood and state of mind. The choice of the place for the health resort in an ecologically clean and picturesque corner of nature is optimal. The sanatorium was built on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The Turkmen leader attended its opening ceremony last November. The sanatorium has departments for balneotherapy, water and mud therapy, consultations and diagnostics, physiotherapy and spa. Given that the sanatorium is located at the foothills of the Kopetd

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Include vegetables and fruit, fish, dairy dishes and other food products rich in vitamins A, B1 and C in the diet.

Latest news

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, at which the results of the work of the sectors of the national economy for four months of the current year and the implementation of the Presidential social and economic programmes were summed up. Some issues of domestic policy, aimed at ensuring the wellbeing of the people, were also discussed. * * *

The constitution is a guarantee of sovereign development, prosperity and happy life

Gurbanguly BERDIMUHAMEDOV:The Basic Law and the high-flying State Flag are national treasures that embody our glorious past, the greatness of the present era, a bright future, the inviolability of our unity and solidarity and our high dignity. On May 18, 1992, based on their unshakable right to determine their fate, the people of Turkmenistan adopted the Basic Law of the country. This day became one of the most important historical events of the period of laying the foundation of our independent state, which set out on the path of independent and free development. We celebrate the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag as a national holiday, which embodies the commitment of the Turkmen people to the inseparable connection of historical milestones and generations, the great values of humanism and the principles of peace and creation. The role of the Constitution of independent neutral Turkmenistan over the years of its effect was discussed by the participants of a round-table discussion organised by the editorial board of NT.

Presentation of the Turkmen Leader’s Book White City of Ashgabat

Speaking at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 7, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said he had completed work on his new book White City of Ashgabat. On the instructions of the leader of Turkmenistan, the construction and industrial sector and the Ashgabat Hyakimlik held the presentation of the new book of the leader of the nation in one of the picturesque parts of the capital city, near the monument White City of Ashgabat.

Mass ecological activities — contribution to the prosperity of the motherland

the hyakimlik and public organisations of Ashgabat initiated an environmental campaign from May 10 to 25, in which everyone can participate. Concern for environmental wellbeing is an integral part of the socially oriented policy of the leader of the nation, priority of which is the health and full and happy life of every Turkmen citizen.

International burns centre: Advanced Methods and Innovative Technologies

In our country, the protection of the health of the people is one of the crucial objectives of the state policy implemented by esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Through the efforts of the national leader, the national health care system has received well-deserved international recognition. The network of modern high-tech clinics, whose specialists use advanced methods and innovative technologies to treat patients and restore their health, is expanding in Turkmenistan with every passing year. These include the International Burns Centre. The five-storey International Burns Centre is fitted with state-of-the-art medical equipment. When the Centre was being built, its specialists made a number of study tours to Germany, Turkey, Israel and Austria. The specialists of the Centre studied the best international practices and methods of managing burn injuries, and today they use them successfully in everyday practice.

A city, worth of admiration

The year, the motto of which is “Turkmenistan – the Home of Peace and Trust”, is rich in solemn and anniversary dates. The most important are the glorious 30th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan and the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat. For the short historical period, our state has received a powerful urban development impetus owing to the efforts of the President of Turkmenistan. The Turkmen people have demonstrated themselves in the world community as a peace-loving nation that builds its great happiness on the principles of good neighbourliness. Our country has become a symbol of independence and neutrality.

Bizzare medlar

In the last month of autumn, a colleague gave me an unusual fruit called Mespilus germanica, or yemshen. I knew about the tree from literature, but I have never seen it in nature. In appearance, the fruit looks like an undeveloped pomegranate, a large-fruited rosehip or a wild apple (arnap), it tastes tart, astringent like quince or unripe persimmon, but after it stays frozen for several days, it tastes as sweet as aromatic applesauce with fresh acidity and quince aftertaste. According to botanists, in the past years the medlar grew wild in several small bushes in the South-Western Kopetdag, in the Gyuen gorge near the Chendir River in Magtymguly etrap and was one of the very rare plants. Over the past 20 years, there have been several futile attempts to find it in these places. Scientists had to admit that the species fell out of the flora of Turkmenistan. The species was studied little. It was not included in any of the three editions of the national Red Data Book, and the experiment of the cultivation of it at the Botanical Gardens was not crowned with success. Then the scientists tried to cultivate the plant with limited planting material: to accelerate the fructification of trees and preserve their varietal characteristics. In 2016, they grafted the buds taken from the Botanical Garden on the rootstock – hawthorn and pear tree cuttings. By the way, medlar is a close

Healthy Lifestyle Is a Way to Longevity

Healthy lifestyle is a complex of measures aimed at improving health and preventing pathological processes in the body. It makes it possible to significantly increase life expectancy and to improve its quality, significantly influencing immunity. The foundations of a healthy lifestyle are proper nutrition, physical activity, absence of bad habits, hygienic care, health promoting procedures, full sleep and rest. Proper nutrition excludes aromatisers, flavour enhancers, fatty food, colouring and preserving agents. The basic rules of nutrition are the following:

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.