"Neutral Turkmenistan" newspaper

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-18, 39-95-82, 39-95-88
Email: neutralturkmenistan-gazeti@online.tm


Latest news

A meeting of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan of the sixth convocation was held in the capital city via the digital system. During it, a number of important regulatory documents developed in accordance with the priorities of the policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the comprehensive programme for the modernisation of the legislative and legal framework of the country were discussed. * * *

Independence of Turkmenistan: 30 Years of formation and development

Over the years of independence, Turkmenistan has become a prosperous, developing country, known internationally as a reliable partner with a peaceful policy. An invaluable contribution to the annals of independence, to its further development and strengthening is made by respected President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, under whose leadership a strong, stable and dynamically developing state has been established.

Modern ceramics – reflection of ancient traditions

The art of ceramics has been known to humankind since time immemorial. Each work is an expression of its era, so it is no coincidence that ceramics is an object of scientific study. In addition, as in carpet weaving, in the art of modern ceramics we can vividly see the traces of art schools of antiquity. In independent Turkmenistan, the work of Turkmen artists reflects national peculiarities and originality of image of various themes and aspects. Especially interesting are works of women ceramists working in this “masculine” form of art, they attract attention with other images, lines and interpretation of themes. Skilled professional masters, representatives of different generations, pass on their experience to young artists and do not get tired of creating unique works from clay, many of which decorate the museums of Turkmenistan and exhibition galleries of many countries.

Cold Akpatlavuk Volcano

There are many fascinating places in the world that make people enchanted by the beauty and harmony of nature. Undoubtedly, one of such corners of nature is a mud volcano called Akpatlavuk, whose name is translated as White Volcano. It is located in the so-called South Caspian depression in south-western Turkmenistan, where almost half of all mud volcanoes of the world are located. There are more than 200 of them in the region, and about 30 volcanoes are located in the territory of Turkmenistan. Their number varies depending on the activity of the bowels of the earth. For example, a new mud volcano appeared in Turkmenistan’s water area of the Caspian Sea in 2017. Akpatlavuk is located between the villages of Ekerem and Esenguly in the Balkan velayat. This natural wonder is one of the highest and most active volcanoes in the region. It arouses fascination with its grandeur; its height is about 80-90 metres. The road to the volcano runs along a deserted off-road. After arriving at the foot of the mountain, we climbed its slope, where various shrubs and herbs, such as harmala, wormwood and other plants used in folk medicine grew. The scent of these herbs can be dizzying with a variety of aromas.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Include vegetables and fruit, fish, dairy dishes and other food products rich in vitamins A, B1 and C in the diet.

Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan strengthen the foundations of their long-term strategic partnership

Negotiations between President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Negotiations between the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, who had arrived in our country on a state visit the day before, were held in the capital city.

Latest news

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a regular sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, at which priority issues of the state policy and drafts of a number of documents were considered. * * *

President Gurbanguly BERDIMUHAMEDOV: Expansion of export routes – a strategy to ensure global energy security

XXVI International Conference “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan–2021” The Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted the XXVI International Conference “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan–2021”, organised by the Türkmengaz and Türkmennebit State Concerns and the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation in partnership with the Turkmen Forum Economic Society with the support of the British company GaffneyCline.

Ethnographic Wonders of Ayry-Baba

Rocks, wind, snow, low temperatures and oxygen deficiency make the mountain peaks difficult to reach. But despite this, people have been striving to conquer them since ancient times. Is this why mountain peaks are revered as places of patience and endurance, spirituality and holiness? For example, Mount Kailash in India, Mount Fuji, Mount Sulaiman-Too in Kyrgyzstan, Mount Khan Tengri in Tianshan on the border of three states, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and China, and Mount Ararat that Armenia and Turkey associate with their culture. Likewise, the top of the Koytendag ridge – Mount Ayry-baba is not only the highest point of those mountains and Turkmenistan (3,139 metres above sea level), but is also is a sanctuary revered by local people. When approaching the Koytendag Mountains, the summit can be seen for hundreds of kilometres away. It can be seen in snow and cumulus clouds, in fogs and under a bright sun, in any weather. Its majesty is so attractive that you cannot take your eyes off. In winter, those places are covered with snow, some niches have the ice cover ten metres thick. In summer, standing on the summit, you can admire goats and mountain rams grazing in the mountain meadows and watch the birds of prey soaring at lower altitudes. In early spring, and sometimes even in February, the rare Crocus korolkowii blooms there at the edge of the melting snow. Though there are peaks

Immunity Protecting Health

We all know that the human immune system is primarily responsible for protecting from various unfavourable environmental factors and from harmful microbes and viruses, which it “recognises” and “neutralises”. Probably everyone knows that there are two types of immunity: nonspecific and specific. Despite the scientifically sounded expressions, they can be explained simply: we receive specific immunity by inheritance, through the genes of our parents, but as for nonspecific immunity, we develop ourselves, because viruses constantly mutate and the body is forced to rearrange itself in order to create protection against them. Unfortunately, over the years, human immunity undergoes a number of significant changes. By the age of 15, the human immune system reaches its peak, after which it gradually decreases. Therefore, immunity must be constantly maintained, increased and strengthened. Moreover, this is a simple matter and the advice of medical specialists will help you increase and strengthen your immunity within a short period time.

The President of Turkmenistan acquaints himself with the construction of a new modern administrative centre of the Ahal velayat

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the Ahal velayat, where he acquainted himself with the state of affairs on the construction of a new modern administrative centre of the velayat. In the morning, the head of state arrived at the place where the implementation of the grandiose project continues.

Latest news

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a regular sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, at which topical issues of the state life were discussed, a number of projects were considered, and some important documents were adopted. * * *

Independence — the Foundations of Constitutional and Sustainable Development

The gaining of the state independence of Turkmenistan is a fateful and great historical date. The proclamation of independence has laid the foundation of a democratic, law-based, secular state and the political, economic and cultural development of the country. Therefore, the basic principles of which the norms of the Basic Law follow are set forth in the preamble of the Constitution. These fundamental origins of the adoption of the Constitution include an expression of devotion to the precepts of ancestors to live in unity, peace and harmony and commitment to universal values; the purpose of protecting national values and interests, the strengthening of the independence, sovereignty and the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, recognised by the international community and the guarantee of the rights and freedoms of individual and citizen. The leader of the Turkmen state emphasises independent Turkmenistan has embarked on major reforms and declared the rule of law, protection of the interests, rights and freedoms of the citizens as the state policy priority. The large-scale systematic work based on these principles and aimed at ensuring stable and dynamic social development and strengthening the unity of the people is being done.

In the light of modern realities and perspectives

In connection with the latest events in the Central Asian region, the value settings of the UN General Assembly Resolution, which declared 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust, are gaining even greater significance. This document was unanimously adopted at the 106th plenary meeting of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in 2019 at the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan and 73 UN member states were its co-authors. With his initiative, the President of Turkmenistan emphasises that peace and trust in relations among states are a key value that contributes to sustainable development, peace, security and respect for human rights. Speaking about the relevance and topicality of the Resolution adopted by the Community of Nations, the head of Turkmenistan underlined peace and trust were exactly what humankind needed most of all, because at present these two inseparable concepts are becoming a key condition for cooperation and the ensuring of universal security and wellbeing. “Our initiative involves the development of specific measures aimed at reducing tension, peacefully, politically and diplomatically resolving disputes and contradictions and making responsible and balanced decisions in this regard,” the head of the Turkmen state said.

E-census in Turkmenistan: A Step towards the Future

The State Committee on Statistics presented the drafts of the motto and logo of the 2022 population and housing census at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan held on October 1. Based on the contest results, the motto “Population Census 2022: Cohesion, Happiness, Bright Future” and the emblem, depicting the State Flag, “Ak öý”, Turkmen carpet patterns and the number “2022” – the year of the complete population and housing census, was chosen from a number of projects. The approved emblem reflects the national scale of the event, the unity of the Turkmen people and devotion to their roots, origins and spiritual values.

Key vector of economy

One of the most important directions of the foreign economic policy of Turkmenistan is attracting investments in various sectors of the national economy and taking measures for their effective development. The rapidly developing economy of Turkmenistan, its favourable geographic location in the Central Asian region, modern transport communications and reliable strategy to attract investments increase the interest in cooperation on the part of world powers. The investment strategy of the esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is designed for the long term and is aimed at creating all the necessary conditions for the effective work of investors. In addition, there are all the prerequisites for this: the country’s favourable geographical position, a developed transport network, the presence of rich deposits of natural resources, a high level of development of industrial and social infrastructure, qualified personnel and other factors that allow investors to look far into the future.

Urgrent health issues in the centre of attention

The comprehensive programme Saglyk, developed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, identified a new approach to improving the model of the national healthcare system. Its consistent implementation made it possible to bring the national healthcare system to a qualitatively new level, significantly expanding the range and quality of services provided. The positive experience accumulated by our country in the field of healthcare has been widely recognised by the world community and authoritative international organisations, including the UN and its largest structures – the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and others, with which Turkmenistan actively and fruitfully cooperates. The partnership of Turkmenistan with international organisations is aimed at realising the Sustainable Development Goals, strategies, conceptions and other long-term international documents.

Well — an Ancient Irrigation Structure

According to popular wisdom, “Digging one well is like building a thousand bridges.” The Turkmen people considered the construction of wells a sacred cause. They are the earliest irrigation facilities that preserved a deep trace not only on the sacred land, but also in the historical and cultural heritage of our bation – one the ancient peoples of world civilisation. The patron of the wells was Shahi-Zinda. Following the centuries-old traditions, people started to work with his name. The tools of well diggers are passed on from one generation to another and have reached our time.

Me­dicinal Milkvetches of the Koy­ten­dag Moun­tains

The flo­ra of Turk­me­nis­tan inclu­des about three thou­sand species, of which one-third can be found in the Koy­ten­dag Moun­tains – in gor­ges, on hills, at foot­hills and along moun­tain rivers and la­kes. Among the plants that comp­le­ment the local landscape are ama­zing milkvetches (Ast­ra­ga­lus). In dif­fe­rent parts of the count­ry, 157 species grow, 63 of them can be found in the moun­tain zo­nes of the sout­heast of the count­ry at an al­ti­tu­de of 2,500 met­res above sea level; ni­ne species are en­de­mic, for examp­le, Ast­ra­ga­lus ke­li­fi, and twen­ty ones can be att­ri­bu­ted to ra­re plants. Bio­lo­gical­ly active subs­tances found in various or­gans of the­se le­gu­mi­nous plants are cha­racte­ri­sed as me­dicinal, fod­der, or­na­men­tal, dyeing, or in­dust­rial raw ma­te­rial. High in the moun­tains, milkvetches are ra­re, they pre­fer the flat foot­hills and even the san­dy areas of the Ka­ra­kum De­sert; they are well ea­ten by lives­tock, the­re­fo­re so­me of them are used in fod­der pro­ducti­on. The­re is a ne­ed for do­mes­tication in their na­tu­ral ha­bi­tats by ad­di­tio­nal over-gras­sing. Lives­tock bree­ders app­reciate their tall­ness, pro­ductivity, high ger­mi­na­tion capacity even af­ter secon­da­ry mo­wing, re­sis­tance to adver­se environ­men­tal inf­luences, di­sea­ses and pests. A num­ber of milkvetches in so­me qua­li­ties are

A Change of Seasons: Boosting Immunity

We are approaching a change of seasons, there are only a few days of summer left and autumn will come soon. Although this is not only a change of seasons, but also a number of changes in the human body. The autumn is a kind of pause before the weather becomes cold. It is time to take care of yourself and improve your health as winter is approaching. Remember, it does not take much in most cases: physical activity, proper nutrition and a positive attitude. The Director of the Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan Ogulmyahri Geldiyeva told in an interview with the newspaper about the methods of enhancing the body’s defence mechanisms, i.e. immunity. NT: “The onset of autumn is associated with the highest incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Who is most vulnerable to them?”