Immunity Protecting Health

29 October 2021

We all know that the human immune system is primarily responsible for protecting from various unfavourable environmental factors and from harmful microbes and viruses, which it “recognises” and “neutralises”. Probably everyone knows that there are two types of immunity: nonspecific and specific. Despite the scientifically sounded expressions, they can be explained simply: we receive specific immunity by inheritance, through the genes of our parents, but as for nonspecific immunity, we develop ourselves, because viruses constantly mutate and the body is forced to rearrange itself in order to create protection against them.

Unfortunately, over the years, human immunity undergoes a number of significant changes. By the age of 15, the human immune system reaches its peak, after which it gradually decreases. Therefore, immunity must be constantly maintained, increased and strengthened. Moreover, this is a simple matter and the advice of medical specialists will help you increase and strengthen your immunity within a short period time.

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