"Neutral Turkmenistan" newspaper

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-18, 39-95-82, 39-95-88
Email: neutralturkmenistan-gazeti@online.tm


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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a regular sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital communication system, at which the results of the work of the sectors of the complex of the national economy for eight months of the current year were summed up, and topical issues of the socioeconomic development of the country were considered. * * *

A new park of the capital city

On the eve of the nationwide celebrations of the 30th anniversary of our sacred independence, dozens of large new buildings, industrial, social and cultural facilities, are being commissioned in the capital city and throughout the country. So, in Ashgabat, in a special solemn atmosphere, the opening of a new park and four underground passages at the intersection of Atamurat Niyazov Avenue and Khoja Ahmad Yasavi Street took place. It is generally accepted that parks are the “lungs” of cities that provide clean air, while green spaces themselves create a wonderful atmosphere for relaxation and useful leisure. The new park is named Lachyn. And this is not accidental: after all, the green zone is located between the airport and a new hotel Garagum, where everything is intended for warmly welcoming the guests of our hospitable capital city.

In­de­pen­dence and De­mocra­tic Values

It is quite obvious that an ana­ly­tical excur­sus in­to the chro­no­lo­gy of achievements over 30 years of the sovereign develop­ment of the Turk­men sta­te is im­pos­sib­le wit­hout a de­tai­led stu­dy of the dy­na­mics of trans­for­ma­tions in the socio-po­li­tical li­fe of the count­ry. The on­going re­forms, which not on­ly serve as an in­ductor of in­ter­nal proces­ses, but al­so ge­ne­ra­te a key po­li­tical factor in op­ti­mi­sing exter­nal re­la­tions, are to strengt­hen the de­mocra­tic and le­gal fra­me­works of our society. It should be no­ted that it was de­mocracy that de­ter­mi­ned the furt­her cour­se of the sta­te at the first sta­ges of its sovereign develop­ment. The­re­fo­re, the work to strengt­hen and imp­rove the po­li­tical and le­gal fra­me­works of our sta­te, the Ba­sic Law of which de­fi­nes de­mocra­tic develop­ment as the ini­tial vector of the path of in­de­pen­dence, was car­ried out in coor­di­na­tion with the ful­fil­ment of such a ba­sic task as the for­ma­tion of an accep­tab­le foun­da­tion for the de­mocra­tic princip­les of the na­tio­nal society. In Turk­me­nis­tan, which accor­ding to the Cons­ti­tu­tion is a de­mocra­tic, law-ba­sed and secular sta­te, a hu­ge work has be­en do­ne to crea­te a na­tio­nal de­mocracy that meets the men­ta­li­ty, cre­do, li­fe foun­da­tions, tra­di­tions and cus­toms of the peop­le and al­so the fun­da­men

Trade – a key segment of the economy

Conducted in accordance with the economic strategy of the leader of the nation, the intensification of the trade sphere strengthens foundations of the financial stability of the state, makes an important contribution to the formation of the budget and has a significant impact on the development of production. Growing indicators of domestic trade indicate an increase in the welfare and quality of life of the population, and foreign trade dynamics demonstrates the expansion of the geography of deliveries of Turkmen products to foreign markets. The socioeconomic transformations carried out by the esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the introduction of market mechanisms and principles in activities of all sectors of the economy have led to economic growth, also reflected in the sphere of trade. A competitive environment has been formed in it, entrepreneurial activities have been developed, modern methods of organising trade and providing services have been applied.

Access to water – a fundamental human right

Consistently implementing its constructive foreign policy, Turkmenistan takes an active position in promoting water diplomacy and, with its targeted initiatives, makes a worthy contribution to the development of balanced solutions related to water resources. At the Third Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia, held in the Avaza national tourism zone on August 6, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasised once again that the rational use of water resources was among the main aspects of regional cooperation. This critical aspect of the policy pursued by Turkmenistan is an integral factor in global sustainable development. The UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution declaring 2018–2028 the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”. The Decade Goals put an emphasis on sustainable development, integrated water resources management and the promotion of international cooperation in this direction.

Transport – a way to sustainable development

As one of the active participants in global integration processes aimed at further facilitating sustainable development and achieving economic growth and stability, Turkmenistan continues to implement the goals outlined in the foreign policy strategy of the state, carried out under the wise leadership of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. On July 29, 2021, on the initiative of Turkmenistan, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the Resolution entitled “Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve stable and reliable international transport for sustainable development during and after the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic” at the 96th plenary meeting of the 75th session. This initiative has become another confirming factor of the attention of our state to the issues of strengthening international transport cooperation, which is in line with international and regional efforts to overcome the pandemic and its economic and social consequences.

On the hills of Dehistan

in his historic speech addressed to the schoolchildren and students on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov particularly emphasised the importance of the work Turkmenistan – Heart of the Great Silk Road and the historical and cultural heritage in the upbringing of the younger generation. This book tells about Dehistan, located at the crossroads of ancient caravan roads. Its ruins are still visible in the vicinity of the Madav village of the Etrek etrap, Balkan velayat, located 20 kilometres from the ancient settlement. The local secondary school has a museum of history and local lore, where numerous historical finds discovered during archaeological excavations are carefully preserved.

Oasis around Mounts Syunt and Hasar

Protected by two ridges of Mounts Syunt and Hasar, the valley of the Sumbar river is a wonderful corner of nature. The endlessly long Aydere gorge, partly included in the Syunt-Hasardag State Nature Reserve of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan, stretches there. The river of the same name, repeating the bends of the canyon’s sides, has a fast and stormy current, many small waterfalls – the most beautiful one can be found in the side gorge of the Sumbar valley called Gochdemir, and also rapids, rifts, chutes and shallow areas where moisture-loving and aquatic plants cling to the walls. Walking along this wide corridor, you can imagine yourself in a botanical garden, looking at the tall elm trees, which in the East are called karagach. These fast-growing light-loving deciduous giants are able to withstand cold and heat equally well. The tree adorns both the south and the north of the country, thus attracting the attention of gardeners and ecologists. There, low trees of Acer turcomanicum coexist with thickets of barberry and wild rose, rare wild-growing trees of Malus turkmenorum and Pyrus boissieriana are hidden in the thick of the forest. The place near the water is occupied by walnut trees and white-trunked plane trees, wild grapes and lush blackberry bushes “cling” to smooth rocks, and fig and cherry plum trees have chosen the dry sides of

Tips for preventing seasonal acute respiratory infectious diseases that could be caught with climate change:

Personal hygiene Observe the rules of personal and public hygiene! Wear a medical mask, observe a safe distance of 2 metres and keep your hands clean!

Fol­low the Ru­les of Hy­gie­ne!

To pro­tect your­self from in­fecti­on, you should first fol­low the ru­les of per­so­nal hy­gie­ne. Ke­ep your hands cle­an – of­ten wash them with so­ap and wa­ter for 20 seconds and then wi­pe them dry with a dis­po­sab­le pa­per to­wel. It is advisab­le to have an­ti­sep­tic wi­pes or liquid agents with you (gels, sprays and ot­hers). Try not to touch your mouth, no­se or eyes with un­was­hed hands. Use a mask when visi­ting pub­lic places and in pub­lic trans­port. Re­mem­ber, the mask needs to be chan­ged every 2 hours. Ke­ep the dis­tance (1.5 - 2 met­res).

Popularisation of a healthy lifestyle – a task of state importance

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Makes a Bicycle Ride and Visits Ahalteke Horses On his day off, in the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, following the established tradition, did physical exercises, went for a bicycle ride at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains and also visited Ahalteke horses.

Latest news

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a regular sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, at which priority issues of state life were discussed, and drafts of a number of documents were considered. * * *

To great goals – with the speed of the horse

Hero-Arkadag on the Paradise Horse Akyol Strives along the Bright Path for the Holidays “Paradise” horses are a kind of symbol of our rapidly developing independent Motherland. Nowadays, new opportunities are being created for a worthy continuation of the glorious path of Ahalteke horses in the world equestrian sport and the full revelation of their capabilities. And in this matter, the merits of the Turkmen leader are invaluable.

Winter wheat sowing campaign starts in Turkmenistan

On September 3, the mass sowing of winter wheat began in Turkmenistan. With the blessing of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, an important agricultural campaign was launched simultaneously in all velayats of the country. As the head of state noted at the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers held via the digital system on August 27, good results are being achieved in all sectors of the economy, including agriculture, in the Era of Might and Happiness. The state creates all the necessary conditions for the fruitful work of farmers and the cultivation of rich crops by them.

Safe way, caravan of “white gold”!

On September 8, a mass cotton-harvesting campaign began in Turkmenistan. With the blessing of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, an important agricultural campaign was launched in the Ahal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary velayats. Taking into account the soil and climatic conditions, the “white” harvesting in the Dashoguz velayat will start on September 15. This year, marked by the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Motherland, a good harvest of “white gold” has been grown in the country. And now the main task of the rural workers is to pick it from the fields in a short time and without losses.

Turkmenistan – Japan: Enhancing cooperation in the energy sphere

A Project for the Construction of a Gas Turbine Power Plant Successfully Implemented On September 3, a solemn ceremony of opening a new gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 432 megawatts, built in the territory of the operating Lebap state power plant in the Charjev etrap, took place.

Joyful songs of young talents filled with the pride for the country of happy childhood

Gala Concert of the Finalists of the Children’s Music and Song Contest in Honour of the Independence Day of the Motherland The gala concert of the participants of the final of the music and song contest of young talents “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”, devoted to the 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan, took place in the Novruz valley, where the building in the shape of a huge yurt “Türkmeniň ak öýi” rises majestically.

Everything starts from a family

Consistently emphasising the importance of the spiritual and moral upbringing of modern youth, the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov urges to rely upon the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people and inexhaustible resources of folk pedagogy, in which knowledge, skills and abilities, tested by practice and passed from one generation to another are combined. This, in turn, requires the widespread use of folk traditions and customs in family upbringing, which will have a beneficial effect on the formation of high patriotism, a sense of self-awareness, honour and dignity in young people. We can find the very first ideas of national upbringing in the wise teachings of our ancient forefather Oguz Khan, who paid special attention to the formation of the best traits of national character in his six sons and numerous grandchildren: kindness, mercy, diligence, hospitality and patriotism. So, calling for kindness, Oguz Khan taught, “Honour the old as father and the young as brothers.” In everyday life, the forefather of the Turkmen taught to do good, “Visit the sick person, bid farewell to the deceased”, “Do not pass a person without greeting and say a good word to him.”

Key link of the Economy

The commissioning of a new International Airport in Kerki with the participation of the head of state became a significant event both of the social and foreign economic strategies of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In the modern world, the development of transport corridors is a requirement of the time, and our country, together with neighbouring countries, is implementing major regional and continental projects. Therefore, in the modern history of the state, transport infrastructure is one of the priority sectors of the national economy of Turkmenistan. Our country is a promising territory for the development of cargo traffic among the countries of the Eurasian continent and it significantly inreases its transit potential, as the creation of international transport corridors is an important factor in the deployment of productive forces in the modern world economy and the further development of world transport.

Archaeo­lo­gical Discovery Con­firms…

Due to the special concern of Pre­si­dent Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov for the revival, stu­dy and pre­servation of ancient tra­di­tions, the Turk­men peop­le received an op­por­tu­ni­ty to stu­dy their his­to­ry mo­re deep­ly and comp­re­hen­sively. Un­doub­ted­ly, na­tio­nal tra­di­tio­nal ga­mes are part of the spi­ri­tual cul­tu­re of the Turk­men peop­le. Ma­ny sports ap­pea­red in ancient ti­mes. They have stood the test of ti­me and survived to this day. This has be­en proven by the work of a num­ber of re­searchers dea­ling with the his­to­ry of sports and by archaeo­lo­gical excavation da­ta from ancient sett­le­ments. Nu­me­rous finds, inclu­ding dice as­hyk, ob­jects in the sha­pe of a sna­ke’s he­ad for the board ga­me pechiz and fi­gu­ri­nes of peop­le and ani­mals, so­me of which not on­ly played the ri­tual and ma­gical ro­le, but al­so served as to­ys for child­ren, we­re found at the mo­nu­ments of the IV-II mil­len­nium BC (Al­tyn-De­pe and Na­maz­ga-De­pe) in Sout­hern Turk­me­nis­tan and du­ring archaeo­lo­gical excavations at the ancient Mas­sa­get mounds. An in­te­res­ting ob­ject was discovered du­ring archaeo­lo­gical excavations at one of the me­dieval mo­nu­ments in the Se­rahs oa­sis – the si­te of ancient sett­le­ment Ge­ok-Te­pe, the ruins of which we­re stu­died last cen­tu­ry by the fa­mous Sout­hern Turk­me­nis­tan In­teg­ra­ted Expe­