"Diýar" žurnaly

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-56, 39-95-30, 39-95-23
Email: diyar-zurnaly@sanly.tm


The power of national economy

On the 11th of February of this year named the «Era of the People with Arkadag» the «Revival of the new Era of the Powerful State: the National Program of developing the social-economic trends of Turkmenistan in the years of 2022-2052» adopted at the session of Halk Maslahaty of the National Gengesh of Turkmenistan which was held in the Maslahat Palace of our capital. Of course, increasing the energy power of our country is one of the main tasks, planned in the National Program. In his speeches our Esteemed President calling attention to developing fuel-energy complex, the formation of innovational productions on processing the hydro-carbon means, underlined the great importance of formation of multilateral system of widening the export opportunities by diversification and also of exporting energy means. In Turkmenistan, which is one of the main states of large energy resources, the fruitful works are realized on reliable transit of energy resources and securing sustainable development and safety on the initiatives and proposals of our Neutral state under the patronage of the UNO and our country has a great international authority. The adoption of Resolutions «On Reliable Transit of Energy Resources and its Significance on securing Sustainable Development and International Co-operation» in 2008 and 2013 shows vividly this truth. The recognition of our Neutral Motherland a

State guarantee of labour rights of the citizens

By a good example of our Hero Arkadag rihgts of any worker, toiler, entrepreneur, in general, any working man are protected in our country on the basis of our Constitution and other legislative acts proceeding from it. Certainly, the happy citizens of the country can get rewards for their work tirelessly and honestly in response to great concern of the state and make their great contribution to the development of different sectors of economy of our Motherland. As it is known, rights of the citizens to work, including choosing their profession, job and working place, healthy and safety working conditions, to be protected from unemployment are guaranteed by the Constitution of Turkmenistan. If to analyze deeply, one can see that aims of labour legislation of Turkmenistan are to guarantee protection of labour rights of the citizens by the state, to create favourable working conditions and to protect rights and interests of the employees and employers.

Magtymguly Pyragy and Eco-criticism

Eco-criticism one of the popular trends in modern literature means the interaction of literature and nature. This theme has always been one of the important trends in the world and Turkmen literature. Each page of the book «Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road» by our Hero Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expresses love of the Turkmen people for the nature of their native land. Speaking about narrators, who told interesting stories, fairy-tales, legends in Turkmen villages the author writes: «But no matter where the narrator tried to take his listeners to, to wonderful Egypt, remote China, hot Hindustan, to the Ceylon Mountains — in spite of everything his imagination was fed with his native Garagum Desert, the impetuous Amyderya River, mountain peaks, twisting gorges, caves, and springs of the Kopetdag Mountains, and cool ridges of the Koytendag Mountains». (Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Turkmenistan — the Heart of the Great Silk Road. Ashgabat, 2017, p.32) Ancient religious books such as the Bible, Quran tell that at first the God created the Space, the Earth, the Sky, the plants, the animals, birds and then he created the Man. This idea is repeated in the works of Attar, Nevai, Magtymguly and other eastern poets. In the ancient poem «The Epic about Gilgamesh» created in the Akkad language by the peoples of Ancient East in the 18th — 17

Turkmenistan is a country of happy childhood

In the new historical epoch, great works are being done in our country to ensure the proper, modern upbringing and getting education, health care, spending their time joyfully and interesting of the young generation who are the future of our country. It should be noted that care of children in our country has become one of the priorities of the state policy. The state care about the children who are the young citizens is the guarantee of success and prosperity of our country. Because today’s children are the professionals who must rule the country tomorrow, work, create, build for the prosperity of our state. The child is the meaning of life, beauty of life and master of our future. That's why in our powerful state, kindergartens and schools with all the facilities in full compliance with world standards are being put into regular using, in which thousands of our younger generations are being brought up and educated. It is gratifying that all of the tall, white marble buildings of the educational centres reminiscent of the graceful palaces are equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology. This helps the younger generation to master the lessons well and gain a deeper knowledge.

Education is the source of development

During the New Era of Revival of our Powerful State in our country going forward at the speed of a racer the development of the education system has become one of the primary trends of the state policy. That is why in our dear Motherland, following the primary trends of science and education developing of our country from the scientific, educational and cultural point of view are being followed. In September of 2017 the «Conception of the Development of the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan» was adopted by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan. This conception is important in improving the quality of education through the provision of high-quality electronic information at all stages of the education system and the widespread use of digital equipment. In the new historical epoch, systematic works are being carried out to realize the «Conception of the Development of the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan». Modern educational centers are being built and put into operation in our capital and provinces. All of these educational facilities provide opportunities to conduct classes in an interactive way using multimedia resources. The interactive delivery of classroom information through the use of multimedia means create wide opportunities for conducting attractive, interesting lessons, for mastering the themes and understanding the possibilities of advanced

High aims - the foundation of a happy future

The peace of our Motherland, the prosperity of our people, the success of our works, the clearness of our future, all of these tell that our happy people go forward to the bright future in the Year of «Epoch of People with Arkadag». The 19th of March entered the history of our Independent, Neutral Motherland as the date denoting the significance of traditions of peoples’ power formed during the centuries and developed in our country. On that day the ceremony devoted to assumption of the post of the elected President of Turkmenistan. As is known, on the 12th of March according to the results of the President elections held openly, clearly and wide contest on the basis the national law and in accordance with international legal rules Serdar Berdimuhamedov was elected to the post of the President who received numerous votes. It should be noted that the present were held in the new historical conditions by their quality. The President elections of Turkmenistan were held in accordance with the democratic traditions of our ancestors, according to the Constitution of Turkmenistan, to national laws, according to the recognized international rules, on the basis of universal election rights, equal election right, direct election right, the secret of elections and the free traditions of elections and on the basis of competitions. The political parties of

To new heights of prog­ress with Ar­ka­dag

The ne­west his­to­ry of in­de­pen­dent, per­ma­nent­ly Neut­ral Turk­me­nis­tan, gover­ned by our He­ro Ar­ka­dag is de­fi­ned as the Revival of the new Epoch of the Po­wer­ful Sta­te. Accor­ding to the far­sigh­ted and scien­ti­fical­ly con­fir­med po­licy of our He­ro Ar­ka­dag to en­su­re the po­li­tical, econo­mic, social and ot­her rights and free­doms of every per­son of our Mot­her­land, to strengt­hen the de­mocra­tic norms and le­gal foun­da­tions of the count­ry and society we­re de­fi­ned as the prio­ri­ties of our sta­te po­licy.

Turk­me­nis­tan-Unesco: co-ope­ra­tion in the cul­tu­ral-hu­ma­nis­tic sys­tem

Hu­ma­nism be­gins from the cul­tu­re and tra­di­tions of peop­le. Our Na­tio­nal Lea­der no­tes: «The roots fee­ding the best tra­di­tions of hu­ma­nism live in cul­tu­re». Po­pu­la­ri­zing our na­tio­nal he­ri­ta­ge in the world space, in con­necti­on with it wi­de­ning of in­ter­na­tio­nal re­la­tions in the sys­tem of hu­ma­nism are the pri­ma­ry trends of the sta­te po­licy. At pre­sent, a special at­ten­tion is pa­id to deep­ly stu­dying of the rich his­to­ry and the na­tio­nal he­ri­ta­ge of the Turk­men peop­le. Every na­tion ma­na­ging to int­ro­duce their na­tio­nal he­ri­ta­ge in­to the list of the values of hu­ma­ni­ty leaves de­served trace in the his­to­ry. Wi­de op­por­tu­ni­ties are crea­ted to stu­dy on the scien­ti­fic ba­sis, to col­lect, to po­pu­la­ri­ze our ma­te­rial and spi­ri­tual values in­he­ri­ted by our ances­tors. Du­ring ma­ny cen­tu­ries crea­ting ma­te­rial and spi­ri­tual values our peop­le ma­ke a great cont­ri­bu­tion to the world cul­tu­re.

The youth — the future of our country

Under the leadership of our He­ro Ar­kadag in the Epoch of Might and Happiness rising to the new heights of development, of reforms the material and spiritual values of the Turkmen people, is in accordance with natural laws. Because our people inspired by the bright happy future and successful achievements of our powerful state go forward with confidence at the speed of a racer to the glorious future. Under the wise and far-sighted leadership the care for people became one of the primary trends of the state policy. In our Motherland going forward towards new heights of development the young generation of our Motherland get education in accordance with the demands of our times, the achievements of new technologies are introduced into the life the youth. As our Hero Arkadag teaches the works carried out in this direction are realized based on national traditions and wisdom. Our He­ro Ar­kadag underlines: «In order to achieve bringing up our youth well educated and of high culture, with the aim of achieving their deserved contribution to the treasury of the world science, technology and culture all conditions should be created. Leaning upon the science and education, on the basis of ancient traditions of the Turkmen people and universal human values all the works of educating and bringing up the youth should be improved».

The art, the melodies of which spread in the world

Inscribing the workmanship of making dutar, the two-stringed Turkmen musical instrument, playing melodies on it and the art of bagshy, the Turkmen musician and singer on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO became an important historical event. This Resolution was unanimously adopted on 13-18 December of 2021 at the 16th session of the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO for the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held in Paris and the origin of corresponding Certificate was delivered on the 30th of January of this year from UNESCO. In the Epoch of Might Happiness as a result of efforts of our He­ro Ar­ka­dag carefully preserving our national heritage is one of the primary trends of the state policy. Complex of works on studying and popularizing the art of music of our people are carried out in our country. Developing scientific relations, wide co-operation with foreign scientific centres and the international structures in this trend, including UNESCO is one of the important trends.

The turkmen alabay– Our national value

Protecting national values and popularizing them in the world is one of the primary trends of the state policy constantly put into practice by our He­ro Ar­kadag. Improving further the selection of species and the number of the Turkmen Alabay dogs became an important trend of wide-scale works carried out in this sphere. The book «Turkmen Alabay» by our Esteemed President tells about the role of the Alabay dogs in the life and fate of the Turkmen people. The book tells about the origin and development of the species of the Alabay dogs, about scientific research works, reflections, historical and literary information. In May of 2020 the «Turkmen Alabay Dogs» Association was established. Its main aim is constantly increasing the number of Turkmen Alabay dogs, using the national selection methods and dog-breeding traditions reaching the international level. And it vividly shows that the care for the Alabay dogs which are considered devoted comrades and the national pride on level of the country gives positive results. The archaeological finds discovered during the archaeological excavations in the territory of Turkmenistan in Altyndepe, Gongurdepe, in Nusay, in Dangdanakan located in 60 km. from ancient Merv prove that the Alabay dogs are one of the ancient the species. As a result of the archaeological excavations in different parts of our country historians discovered the t

Digital education reforms

In the Epoch of Might and Happiness as a result of the works carried out by our Scientist Arkadag the care of the young generation has become one of the primary trends of the state policy. In accordance with the demands of present times, fruitful works are carried out in our country for bringing up the young generation as the educated people, of high culture, for their getting profession, being healthy, for taking part of them in creative scientific work, for upbringing them as the devoted people to our Motherland, to our people, to the traditions of our great ancestors. In accordance with the tasks defined in the state and national programs adopted in our Motherland works on supplying them with text-books and training appliances, the new technologies and educational technical equipments meeting the world demands are carried out constantly too. And also the last achievements of science and innovational educational methods are introduced into the educational system.

2022 Is the year of «The epoch of the people with Arkadag»

The New Year is a holiday of joy and prosperity. That is why in the Epoch of Might and Happiness there is a special pleasure of meeting this wonderful holiday with goodwill dreams and new achievements of labour. And now, these days, under the wise guidance of our Hero Arkadag our united, industrious people seeing off 2021, one of the fruitful years, celebrate the New Year, 2022 with high inspiration. Holiday trade being organized in our country abundance of goods, presents and other forms of products can be seen in the shops and in the trade centres of our capital and provinces of our country. Decoration of our marble-coated capital and other cities and villages in accordance with celebration of the New Year shows that this wonderful and favourite holiday waited for eagerly is filled with joy and merriment. Different events held by the workers of art and culture have a wide scale. On the occasion of the New Year. According to the program devoted to the holiday numerous concerts of variety singers of our country and foreign countries were held regularly.

Reliable way of equal rights co-operation and development

Under the wise guidance of our Hero Arkadag, being loyal to principle of permanent Neutrality, with its initiatives in foreign policy Turkmenistan actively joins in the world community. Strengthening the Neutrality status of Turkmenistan, which is indestructible pillar of our Independence, occupying an important place in realizing successfully farsighted and fruitful international policy on the basis of Resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, is the special foundation of that historical way. Beginning since the first days of its Independence, side by side establishing mutually beneficial relations with all the states of the world, including the international organizations, our country makes great efforts in order to make that co-operation on the level of the world community on the basis of friendly and mutually beneficial relations. At present Turkmenistan is widely known in the world as the state putting forward not only its own national interests, but also as the state following the regional co-operation, the goodwill, beneficial bilateral and multilateral relations, putting forward important international initiatives. Strengthening the universal peace and security is the main primary trend of foreign policy carried out by our Neutral state. In accordance with it, taking into consideration the situation formed in the region and the whole world,

The Source of national Values

The books, scientific works, books in many volumes written by our National Leader, which are popular in our country and abroad, are valuable sources in upbringing the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and on the basis of moral values created during the centuries. The ideas of necessity of deeply studying, safeguarding and popularizing our national culture of our people who are proud of their five thousand year glorious history which is reliable basis for further raising spiritual upbringing in the new historical epoch is the key-note of the book «Traditions of Turkmen Statehood» by our Esteemed President. This literary-philosophical work serves for widely popularizing the spiritual heritage of the Turkmen people in the world. Of course, according to the contents the invaluable book «Traditions of Turkmen Statehood» by our Hero Arkadag, clearly showing his efforts on successively collecting very valuable people’s art and non-material values, deeply studying and popularizing them, is a model of school in paying respect to traditions and spiritual pillars of our people which go back to the depth of centuries by their roots, in studying the sources and information reached till our days.

Our fault (Gurbannazar Ezizov)

I often happened to offend,And far from once offended was.Lone I felt, though not alone,(It’s plain for those who bore same cross). Not seeing, I passed by lots of things,And shut my eyes to things a lot.But after years I did revealThat not of others was the fault.

Camel’s ,milk is medicine of illness

Saying «Camels are the world animals», «The rich man with camels is rich by the world treasure» the Turkmen people paid a great respect to camels. The camel’s meat, milk, wool are also have medicinal properties. Because of endurance of camel of waterless situation its meat is considered the medicine fighting against hot dry wind. Because even in the very hot days of summer camel can walk a week without water. The camel’s milk is considered as an invaluable natural beverage in strengthening the human body. It contains different oils. The camel’s milk, agaran, is a very valuable drink for quenching thirst. Besides that it is also a remedy for treating the diseases of kidneys and lungs. The clothes made of camel’s wool are medicinal and pleasant for human body. The table-cloth made of camel’s wool is considered sacred among the Turkmen people and the whole Muslim world. The species of arvana and bugra of camels which reached our days are considered one of the successes in cattle-breeding of our ancestors. Camel breeding is considered as a special art among the Turkmen people. Our ancestors considered Soltan Veyis as the sacred father of camels and they organized parties in honour of him. During centuries the caravans of camels traveled constantly along the Great Silk Road. In the last years different diets are kept in European countries to keep healthy the body. But

The Ashgabat summit of the ECO-

the new Opportunities for fruitful Co-operation The foreign policy of Turkmenistan carried out on the basis of positive Neutrality traditions has a great significance in active developing international relations. Those relations fully correspond to the aims of universal efforts directed at attaining and securing prosperity and success in the region and the world.

Neutrality and diplomacy — bases of peace and development

Turkmenistan as a full member of the world community of nations, has an active foreign policy, a key objective of which is to assist in worldwide to the efforts of countries to maintain and promote global security, prevent and neutralize the threat of conflicts, ensure conditions for a peaceful and stable development of the countries and peoples, which facilitates constructive international dialogue. Foreign policy of Neutral Turkmenistan has proven the effectiveness of its diplomacy of peaceful living, good neighborliness and mutually beneficial partnership with all interested parties. The core of the foreign policy of the country, developed by our Esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, organically combines the fundamental principles of international law and diplomacy, as well as the positive experience of implementing large-scale initiatives to strengthen international co-operation. On the basis of its status, Turkmenistan succeeded to secure partnerships with the major international organizations and to build good-neighborly and equal relations with neighboring states. Neutral foreign policy of the country, in conjunction with the rich resource potential, attracts increasing flow of foreign investments into the economy and contributes to enhancement of the life quality of the population.

Is the basis of development and goodwill co-operation

The foreign policy of our Motherland Turkmenistan is based on its neutrality, peace loving and goodwill international traditions. In the Epoch of Might and Happiness the creative initiatives of our Esteemed President put forward with the aim of strengthening of universal peace, security and stability meet wide support in the whole world. Our Neutral state is widely known in the world as the state putting forward inter regional co-operation, goodwill, mutually beneficial bilateral and multilateral relations in foreign policy. Following the international legal status of Neutrality and taking into consideration the situation formed in the region and the whole world, our Motherland successfully realizes the foreign policy directed at securing the universal prosperity and peaceful development, positive solution of the most important problems of the present times, at regulating mutual understanding and its stability. The growing interests for establishing long term and multilateral relations with our secular, democratic and legal state show that the «Open doors» policy of Turkmenistan manifests itself brightly in all the events of international importance. The adoption of the Resolution «2021 — the International Year of Peace and Trust» at the 106th general meeting of the 73rd session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization on the 12th of September of 2019 on