Pres­ti­gious awards

13 Sentýabr 2024

An in­ter­na­tio­nal exhi­bi­tion ‘World Smart City Expo 2024’ has be­en recent­ly held in Seoul, the Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea. The city of Ar­ka­dag to­ok part in this event and won 3 awards.

The op­por­tu­ni­ties and fea­tu­res of the city of Ar­ka­dag we­re al­so pre­sen­ted at the pres­ti­gious exhi­bi­tion. The awards we­re given to fo­reign and local cities and com­pa­nies that dis­tin­guis­hed them­selves among the exhi­bi­tors. The city of Ar­ka­dag received three awards, na­me­ly, ‘WSCE 2024 Smart City Excel­lence Award’, ‘WSCE 2024 Fo­reign City Award’, ‘WSCE 2024 Cont­ri­bu­tion Award’. The Turk­men peop­le we­re par­ticular­ly proud that on­ly the city of Ar­ka­dag was awar­ded ‘WSCE 2024 Smart City Excel­lence Award’.