"Türkmen sporty" gazeti

Founder: Turkmen Sporty newspaper editorial office
Adress: 66, 1995, Ashgabat
Telephones: 22-33-91, 22-33-72


Confident steps of the Turkmen sports

Great work and noble initiatives launched by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are being implemented under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The sports prestige of the country, which effectively uses the opportunities of the sports diplomacy in the development of cooperation between nations and peoples, is enhanced to greater heights.

The cordial pride of people

A festive meeting under the motto ‘the City of Arkadag is a Model of Modern Architecture’ was held in the Malikguly Berdimuhamedov Palace of Culture in Yzgant settlement, Gokdepe Etrap on December 25. The Ahal Velayat Hyamkilik, the Halk Maslahaty and the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan jointly organized the event. The meeting was dedicated to granting the new, modern administrative centre of Ahal Velayat the status of a city, to naming it the city of Arkadag, and to starting the second stage of the construction of the city. Representatives of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, public organizations, different sectors of the national economy, employees of education, culture, health institutions, the elders, the youth and other guests made speeches at the event.

The policy of neutrality

Turkmenistan has been successfully implementing the open-door policy of peace, positive initiatives, unity and neutrality over the years. The country's efforts to achieve sustainable development, to ensure security, to strengthen peace, and to promote the social and economic development on the planet are widely recognized. The adoption of the Resolutions on the International Day of Neutrality and ‘the role and importance of a policy of neutrality in maintaining and strengthening international peace, security and sustainable development’, and joining of several countries to the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development, established within the framework of the United Nations, demonstrate the above-mentioned facts.

The winners are known

To date, an abstract strategy game of chess increases the number of players along with other sports in Turkmenistan. The matches of the Chess First League of Turkmenistan have been completed recently. The winners of the tournament qualified for the Super League of the strongest chess players of the country. To be more precise, Yusup Bayramgeldiyev (Ahal Velayat) won the tournament with 8.5 points in 9 games. Allayar Shirliyev (Ashgabat) took the second place with 7.5 points in 9 games, and Amanmuhammet Hommadov, a representative of the Ashgabat secondary school 117, entered the top-three with 7 points.

The city of Arkadag is an invitation to happiness

The principle ‘the state is for the people!’ bears wonderful fruits in all spheres of our life. The main objective of those transformations is to focus on the interests of every citizen, the well-being of the people, their knowledge, intellectual capacity, and opportunities, which fully reveals the content of the state policy in Turkmenistan. As was noted at the offsite extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on December 21, according to the Decree of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, the modern administrative centre, the art monument located in the park, and the children's health and rehabilitation centre were named after our Hero-Arkadag, because Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was widely recognized by the Turkmen people and the world community as a great leader who made impressive historic achievements in the years of independence. To date, the Turkmen leader is an exemplary model for younger generations in all aspects.

A harbinger of peace

Turkmenistan considers sports as an indispensable tool for educating the younger generations that adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Sports are a priority of the peace-loving policy and diplomacy of our independent, permanently neutral country. The V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games held in the Turkmen capital in 2017, the 2018 World Weightlifting Championships organised in our country and the 2018 Amul – Hazar international rally became clear signs of the worthy implementation of this diplomacy. These sports events made Turkmenistan known as a sports power. As is known, previously impossible modes of sports have been widely promoted in Turkmenistan. These sports include, first, figure skating and ice hockey. The winter sports complexes built and put into operation in the Turkmen capital and the Avaza National Tourist Zone serve as important facilities for doing these sports.

Winners receive the trophy

The awarding ceremony for the youth team of Altyn Asyr FC, the winner of the Youth Football Championship of Turkmenistan, was held. The event was organised at the Sports Complex in the Turkmen capital after the 14th leg of the Championship. Berdimyrat Nurmyradov, the head of the technical department of the Football Federation of Turkmenistan, presented the trophy to the team that won the competition after the 12th leg. Team captain Resul Rovshenmyradov lifted the cup, reflecting the excitement of the youth team of Altyn Asyr FC after the victory in the Championship.

Ahal FC is the champion

The winner and the runner-up became known in the 25th leg of the Football Championship of Turkmenistan. Thus, Ahal FC won the trophy. In the 25th leg of the Championship, Ahal FC defeated Shagadam FC in away match with a score 4:2 and won the Football Championship of Turkmenistan three legs before the end of the season. Didar Durdyev (11 (pen.), 17), Ata Geldiyev (29), Arslan Amanov (90+3 (pen.) scored goals for Ahal FC in the match for the Championship. Mekan Ashyrov (2, 16 (pen.) scored for Shagadam FC. Ahal FC scored 66 points after this victory.

Neutrality is the bright path of the Turkmen people

The wise and reasonable policy and the humanitarian initiatives put forward by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov are of great importance in the recognition of our nation as an open country that strengthens friendship and unity in the new historic epoch. First, the great contribution of our Hero-Arkadag, who used his unique talent and foresight in building the most peaceful and rapidly growing country in the world, promoted this path of development. The international political community analyses this period of history and appreciates it.

Strengthening the international relations

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov paid a visit to the State of Qatar at the invitation of the Emir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani held a bilateral meeting in the hall for distinguished guests of Khalifa International Stadium.

Neutrality means happiness

Permanent neutrality is a sacred status that inspires the Turkmen people and gives them a new fortune, a value that is equal to the lifetime and the meaning of every day, which will be a step for a happy future. Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the development of cooperation with reputable international organizations, first, the United Nations. To date, our country adheres to the principles of positive neutrality, gathers practical experience in cooperation with the United Nations and takes an active part in the organization's efforts to ensure global peace.

The basis for peace and development

Our independent, permanently neutral Motherland moves forward on the path of great transformations and development in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state that will always remain in the hearts and minds of the people in the letters of gold. The successful implementation of large-scale programmes covering all spheres has resulted in great economic power and high living standards in the country under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Being a peace-making centre in Central Asia, Turkmenistan develops and strengthens reliable cooperation with the United Nations in accordance with its legal status of permanent neutrality in the new historic epoch. The Resolutions adopted this year, which is being held under the motto ‘the Era of the People with Arkadag’, demonstrate that fact.

Neutrality is our pride

As is known, the International Day of Neutrality enhances the prestige of our beloved Motherland in the world as a country that follows the principles of peace, goodwill, humanity, prioritizes mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries and regions, and uses its favourable geopolitical and geoeconomic potential for the interests and development of all humankind. This holiday is widely celebrated at the state level to mark our good neighbourly relations and ancient principles of friendship. Based on the main principles of positive neutrality, Turkmenistan implements an active foreign policy aimed at the interests of the peoples in the region and the world. Adhering to the generally recognized norms of international law, equality, mutual respect, good neighbourliness and mutually beneficial cooperation, our country occupies a worthy place in the international community. Independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan attaches great importance to strengthening and deepening political, economic and cultural relations established with other countries and prestigious international organisations, namely, the United Nations, the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

Success of the Turkmen chess player

The Turkmen chess player Meylis Annaberdiyev has won brilliant victories in the world of chess. The fact that he received the title of Grandmaster demonstrates the level of his skills. This decision was taken at the 1st FIDE Council meeting held in Abu Dhabi in April this year. Meylis Annaberdiyev has achieved impressive results. In this context, it should be noted that about 600 chess players from 7 countries and regions of the Republic of Türkiye took part in the 5th International Open Chess Tournament held by the International Chess Federation and Başkent University in Ankara, the Republic of Türkiye. The Turkmen chess player, Grandmaster Meylis Annaberdiyev won a silver medal at the tournament, which was organized in six categories. The results of our compatriot, who scored 6.5 points in the A category event, which included the highest level games, brought him to the second place.

The Turkmen athletes to take part in the international event

Twelve Turkmen athletes will take part in the 2022 Judo Grand Slam to be held in Tokyo, Japan, on December 3–4. In this context, it should be noted that 194 men and 125 women from 66 countries are expected to participate in this sports festival. The large event is a great opportunity for athletes to score points on the way to the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. That is why it is considered an important sports festival.

Advantages of physical exercises

Sports and an active life help to strengthen and protect the human health, as well as to prevent a number of dangerous diseases. Scientists mention these facts in their studies. Regular physical exercises have a positive effect on health and make life more beautiful. Physicians believe that just half an hour of exercises every day can prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, excess weight, type 2 diabetes, improve appetite, mood, and sleep. As is known, physical activity does not necessarily mean training sessions on special equipment in gyms or doing any mode of sports. Not everyone has time for these activities. Changing some of daily habits is enough to increase physical activity. If you're not in a hurry to get to your workplace using public transport, you can get off the bus a stop or two away and walk the rest of the way. Or you can choose to take the stairs instead of using the lift to go up. Even playing with children in the fresh air is a beneficial form of physical activity.

Magnificent results

Our compatriots won two gold medals at the Belt Wrestling World Cup held in Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan (the Russian Federation). The Turkmen wrestler Derya Abdyev triumphed in the 90-kilogramme weight class event. Our compatriot Hojamyrat Suhanov competed in the 57-kilogramme weight class event and won another gold medal. Abdyresul Durdyev, a student of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports, and Palvan Gurbangeldiyev, a student of the Institute of Engineering and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan, earned silver medals in the 62-kilogramme and 100-kilogramme weight class events respectively.

Turkmenistan is a modern centre of tourism

The diversification of the national economy of Turkmenistan has resulted in the growing number of new industries in the composition of the gross domestic product. New, modern types of industries function in the economy. The international tourism industry is one of such economic activities in our beautiful country. A vivid example of the development of the international tourism in Turkmenistan is related to the Avaza National Tourist Zone.

Nationwide tree-planting campaign

The autumn tree-planting campaign was launched by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on November 5. According to the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, it was planned to plant 3 million trees throughout the country, including in 1.5 million trees in Velayats this year. The autumn tree-planting campaign was notable for good spirit and high labour achievements in the regions of the country.

The Turkmen chess players gather experience

The Asian Continental Open Chess Championships took place in New Delhi, India, on October 26 – November 3. Nine Turkmen chess players competed in the tournament. Over 90 men and over 50 women chess players from 13 countries of the region struggled to become the champion of Asia. Classical chess and blitz chess events were organized at the tournament.