Outstanding literary work

19 Aprel 2024

Turkmenistan is a country known for its glorious history and rich cultural heritage that contributed to the development of world civilization. Historical events took place on the Turkmen land in the past, and great states existed here.

Archaeological monuments around the country prove this fact. In different years, well-known archaeologists conducted excavations on the Turkmen soil and discovered that Turkmenistan is one of the oldest centres of human life. In the year when the ancient city of Anau was declared the cultural capital of the Turkic world, the book ‘Anau – Culture Originated from the Millennia’ by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave an opportunity to realize that fact once again.

Janabay SHYHYEV,
the head at Department of Pedagogy, Magtymguly Turkmen State University.
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