"Türkmen sporty" gazeti

Founder: Turkmen Sporty newspaper editorial office
Adress: 66, 1995, Ashgabat
Telephones: 22-33-91, 22-33-72


Chary Mammedov: ‘We are optimistic about the Tokyo Olympics’

The name of the international weightlifting referee, Secretary General of the National Weightlifting Federation of Turkmenistan Chary Mammedov is well known. He has worked at the national championships, as well as at the international competitions. To date, our compatriot is a referee at the XXXII Summer Olympics. We interviewed Chary Mammedov on the eve of the national team's departure for the Olympics. – How did you start with the weightlifting?

Sport and health

The President of Turkmenistan equates the human health to the wealth of the country and conducts the impressive work in the field of healthcare and sports aimed at educating the healthy young people and at promoting the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The great initiatives of the Turkmen leader ensure the steady development of the sports system in Turkmenistan, the strengthening of the material and technical base, and the promotion of the principles of a healthy lifestyle among our people. In our Motherland, the principle ‘the state is for the people!’ represents the basis of our happy life. The great concern of the President of Turkmenistan is aimed at developing the mass physical culture, recreation infrastructure and high-level sports movement. It should be noted that, according to the goals of the far-sighted sports policy put forward by the Turkmen leader, the sports complexes, stadiums, gymnasiums and equestrian complexes that meet international standards are built and put into operation in our white city Ashgabat, Velayats, Etraps, and different corners of the country. We express sincere gratitude and wish the President of Turkmenistan, who has brought the Turkmen sports to the impressive heights and has been concerned for the health of the people, sound health, long life and success for the benefit of our Motherland!

Following the principles of a healthy lifestyle

In fact, staying active at any age and following the principles of a healthy lifestyle are important conditions for a happy life. Motion is the most reliable way to strengthen the health, to promote and to improve work efficiency. At the same time, an active person feels happy and cheerful. Moreover, people stimulate their appetites when they are running or walking in the fresh air. This process gives them the wonderful feelings that come from the harmony of motion and appetite. Experts say that medicines cannot replace physical activity. Thus, the President of Turkmenistan noted that people should be active at any age. The Turkmen leader considers the health of people to be the main wealth of the country and conducts great work in this sphere. The example of the President of Turkmenistan is a guide and a great school for our compatriots.

Horse is a loyal and cheerful friend

The magnificent works by the President of Turkmenistan demonstrate the love and pride of the Turkmen people for the Ahalteke horses. 'Ahalteke Horse – Our Pride and Glory’, ‘Winged Horses’, ‘Swift Step of Horse’, ‘A Horse – a Symbol of Faithfulness and Happiness’ are four books to enhance the glory of our heavenly horses around the world and to represent invaluable guides for equestrians and horse fans. The Turkmen leader wrote in the book ‘A Horse – a Symbol of Faithfulness and Happiness’, ‘Wherever history begins, there are the horse tracks at that time’. These words demonstrate that the ‘heavenly’ horses have had a special place and significance in the life of our people throughout the glorious history. The Turkmen people considered horses to be their wings, companions on the days of hunt, and loyal friends on holidays. People created a number of proverbs, including in ‘when you wake up in the morning, see your father first, and then see your horse’, ‘a horse is the best friend of a young man’, ‘horse is an old friend’, etc.

Turkmen athletes to perform at the olympic games

The names of the Turkmen athletes who will perform at the XXXII Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan have been announced. According to the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan, 9 athletes will represent our country at the prestigious tournament. Thus, our skilful athlete Gulbadam Babamuratova will compete in the judo event. At her second Olympics (the first one was the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro), Gulbadam will compete in the 52-kilogramme weight class event. Hojamuhammet Toychyyev (+109 kg), Ovez Ovezov (109 kg), Rejepbay Rejepov (81 kg), Polina Guryeva (59 kg) and Kristina Shermetova (55 kg) will demonstrate their skills in the weightlifting events. Mergen Mammedov will compete in track and field athletics, namely, hammer throwing event. Darya Semyonova (100-metre breaststroke) and Merdan Atayev (100 and 200-metre backstroke) will perform at the swimming events.

A country of happy childhood

Interesting events are being held at the Bagtyýar nesiller children's recreation centre in Gokdere according to the joint plan of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan and the Gokdepe and Ak Bugday Etrap Gengeshs of Ahal Velayat. The creative contest entitled ‘We are happy young people in the country of health’ was one of the events that impressed children at the centre under the Ahal Velayat administration. The children who spend summer holidays and improve their health in the centre attended the event.

Digitalization is a basis for modern development

The role of the digital system has great importance in the development of sports, as well as in all spheres of life in our beloved country. In this context, the introduction of digitalization in sports is very important to achieve outstanding results. At the times when technologies are making unprecedented progress, every part of the training session relies on the latest trends in this field and is based on in-depth calculations. It should be noted that the digital system monitors the on-going improvement without overloading the athlete and prevents from weakening due to different reasons. High level of weight control, calorie and fat features, mental stability ... all these parameters can be analysed and estimated through the digital system. Moreover, the digital system has been an integral part of large events in recent years. It contributes to fair play in sports. The organization of the strategy game events through the digital communication makes it easier to hold such events.

A symbol of courage and loyalty

The Turkmen people are one of the world’s oldest peoples. The values that our brave people have given to the world during a centuries-old history are great. Throughout the glorious past, the Turkmen people have considered alabays and horses as loyal companions and friends. They treated these animals as if they were human beings. Historical sources testify to the fact that the alabays’ bravery, intelligence and loyalty deserve praise. The Turkmen Alabay book by the President of Turkmenistan contains the following sentences confirming the antiquity of the breed, ‘Dog and human are believed to have befriended 12-15 thousand years ago. Thus, any dog breed must originate from hunting dogs. Our alabays must also be hunting. Our ancestors developed this trait of the breed. They raised our alabays very intelligent. Moreover, alabays attacked wolves’.

Ahal FC wins trophy

Ahal FC and Merv FC met in the Turkmenistan Football Federation Cup final recently. Ahal FC took the opportunities created in the game, which was rich in attacks by both teams, won the match 1-0 and earned the main trophy. Serdar Geldiyev scored from a penalty kick in the 44th minute of the match and brought victory to the team from Ahal Velayat.

Digital system, sport and health

When it comes to the potential of the digital system in sports, people should note its importance in the training sessions of professional athletes. Modern advanced technologies estimate the physical activity and conditions of the athletes. Moreover, it should be noted that these technologies play significant role in professional sports, daily activities and health system strengthening. A person cannot perform each action or exercise in consultation with a trainer or a coach. In this context, the role of the digital system in protecting the human health is emerging. Protecting the body from overloads or wrong moves is a multifaceted insurance of health. Regulating excessive calories, training in a stable mental state, maintaining a normal daily workload, combining the features and effects of energy consumption, coordinating the activity of body parts... The digital technologies can regulate all these processes. This fact demonstrates that the latest digital systems represent an important tool to improve our health. We express sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan, who has reached new heights of the national development by introducing the digital system into all spheres of economy.

Gardens decorate our life

One of the most wonderful places in Ashgabat is the Botanical Garden, which belongs to the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov. Every day, our compatriots recreate here from dawn to dusk and spend their time admiring the beautiful corners of nature. Experts from the Botanical Garden introduce visitors to the unique plants, flowers and trees.

Health is the crown on our heads

All the beauty and life in the whole world depends on health, as the Turkmen philosopher and poet Magtymguly Pyragy put it, ‘This world begins with health’. That is why the health of our compatriots is a priority of the state policy put forward by the President of Turkmenistan. Great efforts have been made to promote the principles of a healthy lifestyle in our society in the years of independence. The Saglyk State Programme was developed with the active participation and guidance of the Turkmen leader, who had supervised the national healthcare system for many years. Extensive work has been conducted and is underway to implement the tasks mentioned in the Programme.