Rules of behaviour in hot weather

Clothing hygiene requirements are especially important in hot weather for ensuring freedom of breathing and air circulation. On such days, it is necessary to wear loose clothing made of natural fabrics, to put on light headwear and to carry a bottle of water with you. On days with a high air temperature (above 38 °C), do not go outside without special need, especially during the period of maximum solar activity (from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.). In a room with air conditioning, the temperature should not be set below + 23 ° ... + 25 °C.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Include vegetables and fruit, fish, dairy dishes and other food products rich in vitamins A, B1 and C in the diet.

Health Rules for Every Day

We all strive to be healthy and full of vitality. To do this, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat properly, observe a work and rest regime, lead an active lifestyle and also follow simple rules of prophylaxis every day. Hygiene Comes First

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

Vaccination — reliable protection

Prevention is one of the strategic directions in the implementation of the Saglyk State Programme, initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the key priorities of which are to significantly improve the health of the population, to increase the average life expectancy of citizens and to provide medical services that meet international standards. Preventive measures are divided into specific and non-specific. The nonspecific ones include adherence to personal and public hygiene, healthy nutrition and the intake of herbal teas.

How to protect yourself from heat?

Extreme summer temperatures raise health and wellbeing issues. It should be noted that summer heat causes not only harm, but also has a certain benefit, especially at low humidity. Under the influence of the sunrays, vital substances are produced in the body, water-salt metabolism is activated, and much fluid is excreted through the skin, which facilitates the work of kidneys. Dry heat and sunlight favourably affect painful joints. However, there is a risk of dehydration, heat- or sunstroke. For the body to function normally, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fluid during a day - doctors say about 1.5-2 litres of drinking water. Compotes made from dried fruit, fresh fruit and vegetable juices are also beneficial. However, it should be borne in mind that these drinks may contain high amounts of sugar, which carries a certain risk.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Include vegetables and fruit, fish, dairy dishes and other food products rich in vitamins A, B1 and C in the diet.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

Hot Weather Requires Attention

Despite the fact that almost every day we are warned from TV screens and newspaper pages about the negative effects of hot weather on the body, many of us continue to ignore them, not wanting to understand to what exposure to the sun can lead during its peak hours. After all, this is the shortest way at best case scenario to sun or heat stroke and at worst – heart attack, stroke or cancer of the skin. To avoid the effects of heat and to maintain your health as much as possible, you must carefully follow the recommendations of doctors, sanitary physicians and nutritionists. These recommendations are not so many, but on abnormally hot days they are a kind of lifesaver for most of our readers. So...

Influence of seasonality on lipid peroxidation processes in pregnant women

Lipid peroxidation (LPO) reactions are a natural link of various metabolic processes. LPO activation is one of the important pathogenetic mechanisms of the onset and development of free radical pathology. In addition, highly sensitive LPO processes are actively involved in the body's responses to the action of various environmental factors [6, 7]. The intensity of LPO processes was judged by the content of its final product, malondialdehyde (MDA) [8].