"Edebiýat we sungat" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-62-17, 38-62-33, 38-62-01
Email: edebiyatwesungat@sanly.tm


Year of the Green Wood Dragon

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 4 (20), 2023 The year 2024, according to the Chinese horoscope, will be the year of the Green Wood Dragon. It will begin on February 10, 2024 and will last until January 28, 2025.

Gifts for 2024 year of the Dragon

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 4 (20), 2023 • One of the most symbolic gifts for the Year of the Dragon will be a dragon figurine. You can choose a figurine made of wood or green stone to emphasize the element of the year and naturalness.

News and events

«7/24. tm» № 51 (186) 18.12.2023 Ahalteke horse breeding included in Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Peak Conquest Day

«7/24. tm» № 51 (186) 18.12.2023 December 16 marks Peak Conquest Day – a holiday not only for mountaineers and rock climbers – conquerors of peaks in the literal sense of this word. This is a holiday for everyone who strives for new heights of personal and career growth and does not back down on the path to their goals. This date is also a reason to gather strength and thoughts for those who lay on the ‘future’ day.

Vectors of the Transport System

Creating a coherent system of trade and transit corridors is a priority task of the economic strategy of our state. In accordance with the National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052, Turkmenistan aims its efforts at fulfilling the tasks of using fully the geo-economic potential of the Motherland, expanding international cooperation and increasing external trade turnover with other countries through integration into the regional and international multimodal transport system. In modern realities, the logistics market plays a key role in any economy. And Turkmenistan is no exception. Today, great work is being done to create a multi-vector transport system, in particular, the maritime transport infrastructure is expanding, and large-scale construction of modern road, air and railway hubs is underway. The implemented measures have resulted in modernising roads, building new bridges, high-speed highways and railways and air and sea routes and opening up new prospects for all modes of transport. The entire infrastructure of trade and transit corridors of Turkmenistan serves to improve the economic indicators of our country and the region. Through cooperation with other countries, cargo development opportunities are expanded, existing corridors are improved and new export, import and transit ones are created and international multimodal routes wi

Relay of Success

The Turkmen Agricultural Institute (Dashoguz) hosted the II International Student Internet Olympiad in Engineering and Computer Graphics. Representatives of 24 higher educational institutions from neighbouring and remote countries, including the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Japan and Romania, and students from 20 Turkmen higher educational institutions took part in the large-scale major intellectual competition. The Internet Olympiad was held in the Turkmen, Russian and English languages. Students demonstrated their intellectual abilities in creating 3D models and drawings using such software as AutoCAD, Kompas-3d, Autodesk Inventor and SolidWorks. They had 240 minutes to complete their assignments. According to the jury, there were 16 winners who completed the tasks, scored the maximum number of points and took the first places. Among them were 10 representatives of higher educational institutions of foreign countries and 6 students from Turkmen ones.

Happy youth is the bright future

Our ancestors emphasized that there are three things to write a name in eternity. The first of them is the book he wrote, the second is the mansions he built, and the perfect generations he raised. The National Leader of the Turkmen people, our Hero Arkadag, has done great work for our nation by writing perfect books, building tall buildings and educating today's generations, and he continues to do so even during the Revival of the new Era of the Powerful State. There is no better gift than a book for a person who strives for perfection at every step. This concept is especially valuable for the Turkmen youth, who are the descendants of the people, exchanging the dromedary camel for a book. The fact that the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov himself, contributed the works of art that enrich our spiritual world and add beauty to the appearance of our external world increases the value of this concept even more than before.

11th issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar Magazine released

«7/24. tm» № 50 (185) 11.12.2023 The next, 11th issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar e-Magazine has been released. It is available and can be downloaded from the Turkmenmetbugat website.

International exhibition of modern food production technologies in Ashgabat

The Agro-Pak Turkmenistan–2023 International Exhibition of Modern Food Production Technologies was held at the Expo Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. The main aims of large-scale reforms taking place in the agricultural sector of Turkmenistan’s economy are to form new economic relations in rural areas, to create a competitive environment for economic entities, to efficiently use land and water resources, to protect the environment, to promote agricultural science and selective breeding, to widely introduce innovations, advanced management and marketing methods and to solve social issues.

Roads Leading to Peace and Cooperation

The Resolution on the declaration of November 26 as World Sustainable Transport Day was adopted on the initiative of Turkmenistan and with the unanimous support of the UN Member States at the 70th plenary meeting of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly on May 16 this year. The International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Transport – Contribution to Sustainable Development” and a specialised exhibition will be held to observe this date. The delegations of the Turkmenistan Office of the United Nations Development Programme, authoritative international, regional and subregional transport agencies and major transport companies are expected to participate in the events. Sustainable transport – sustainable development

For the Sake of the Country’s Progress and for the Good of Every Citizen

In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, the socioeconomic policy of Turkmenistan, pursued under the leadership of the respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is aimed at the increase in the welfare and quality of the life of the population, the ensuring of sustainable economic growth, the diversification and competitiveness of the national economy, industrial and innovative development, the strengthening of market and institutional reforms, the growth in investment activity, the strengthening of foreign economic positions, the expansion of international cooperation and the integration of the country into the world economic system and environment protection. The priority factor in the development of the national economy at the present stage is the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted in 2015 by all UN member states, as a guideline for the long term. These goals address the most important economic, social and environmental issues, and the guiding principle is “leaving no one behind”. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are comprehensive, interconnected and indivisible and ensure a balance of all three components of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.

Turkmenistan elected to UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sports

«7/24. tm» № 49 (184) 27.11.2023 Turkmenistan was unanimously elected to the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sports for 2023-2027. This Committee was established in 1978 to promote the role and value of sport and incorporate sports issues in the public policy of UN Member States.

New Frontiers of Agricultural Complex

The most important priority of the state policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is the intensive development of the agroindustrial complex, the ensuring of food abundance in the country, the expansion of the export opportunities of the national economy and the strengthening of the economic power of Turkmenistan. Large-scale transformations, aimed at raising the efficiency of agriculture and increasing the volume of the production of various agricultural goods, are being successfully implemented in the agroindustrial complex. As world experience shows, no other product will give the country and its people such wellbeing and the country prosperity, economic activity and progress as agricultural crops. Only the transition of the agricultural economy to market relations can solve all the socioeconomic problems facing any country. And it is not accidental that the most important priority of the economic strategy, pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is the active implementation of agricultural reforms, aimed at the diversification of production, the creation of favourable conditions for the agricultural industry, the widespread introduction of market mechanisms and the effective use of scientific achievements in this sphere.

How to Prevent Seasonal Diseases

The change of season is always a test for our body. The air temperature drops, the days become shorter, sleep and eating patterns change – the body goes into acclimatisation mode and becomes more vulnerable. Autumn is the time when the personal health problems, physical and mental, become more acute. According to statistics, the largest number of exacerbations of chronic diseases occur during this period. Even healthy people experience stress during the transition period, not to mention those with health problems. Climate has a direct and indirect effect on humans. The direct influence is very diverse and is due to the direct effect of climatic factors on the human body, particularly on the conditions of heat exchange with the environment: on the blood supply to the skin, the respiratory and cardiovascular system and sweating. Many people find it very difficult to adjust to autumn weather due to the sudden change in temperature, dampness and coolness.

Ashgabat included in UNESCO Creative Cities Network

«7/24. tm» № 47 (182) 13.11.2023 The decision of the UNESCO Director-General to include Ashgabat in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the «City of Design» field was announced On World Cities Day, which is celebrated on October 31.

Next issue of Turkmenistan sport International magazine released

«7/24. tm» № 46 (181) 06.11.2023 The next issue begins with an article about the working visit of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Tajikistan.

Most courageous Alabay Dog of the Year chosen in Turkmenistan

«7/24. tm» № 46 (181) 06.11.2023 Turkmenistan widely and solemnly celebrated the Turkmen Alabay Day. The main festive event was the international contest for the most courageous Alabay Dog of the Year, which was held at the building complex of the Turkmen Alabay International Association. The guests to the festive event included members of the Government and Parliament, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, renowned dog breeders and journalists.

UNESCO headquarters building inaugurated in Paris

«7/24. tm» № 46 (181) 06.11.2023 On November 3, 1958, the UNESCO headquarters building was inaugurated on the left bank of the Seine in Paris. It stands on the Place de Fontenoy, where the Military School is also located, and is designed by an international team of architects – the Frenchman Bernard Zehrfuss, American Marcel Breuer and Italian Pier Luigi Nervi.

World Cities Day

«7/24. tm» № 46 (181) 06.11.2023 World Cities Day, established by the UN General Assembly in its resolution in December 2013 to greatly promote the international community’s interest in global urbanization, is celebrated each year on October 31, beginning in 2014. The Resolution also acknowledges the need to push forward cooperation among countries in meeting opportunities addressing challenges of urbanization and contributing to sustainable urban development around the world.

The day of turkmen alabay is widely celebrated in Turkmenistan

National celebrations in honour of Turkmen Alabay Day were widely celeb­rated in our country. The multi-day relay of events devoted to the famous dog breed included thematic exhibitions, conferences and creative competitions on the artistic display of the beauty of the Alabay dogs in works of fine, decorative and applied arts, musical performances and other cultural events. Thus, the Third Meeting of the Türkmen Alabaý Itleri International Association was held in the capital. Within its framework, new members were admitted to this organisation, and the best dog handlers in the country were awarded the honorary title “Türkmenistanyň at gazanan itşynasy”. On October 28, a scientific conference on current issues of the development of dog breeding was held at S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University.