Ashgabat the city of friendship and beauty

23 June 2021

This year announced as «Turkmenistan — Home of Peace and Trust» has been marked with glorious events. One of them was the celebration of the 140th Anniversary of Ashgabat, the capital of our Fatherland on the 25th of May.

Ashgabat is the crossroad for the life paths of many Turkmen people. Many Turkmen poets and writers created their masterpieces in connection with Ashgabat, because it is the city that unites all the people of Turkmenistan. Many great events took place in this city, the capital of Turkmenistan. Each building or street of the city reminds of historical events like a symbolic monument.

Romanguly MUSTAKOW,
Head of the Foreign Literature Department of the Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.
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