"Arkadag" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: 28 Arkadag avenue, Arkadag city
Telephones: 57-39-65, 57-39-66
Email: arkadag_gazeti@sanly.tm


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in solemnities on the occasion of commissioning of new power energy projects into operation

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Dashoguz velayat where he took part in solemnities on the occasion of commissioning of the Balkan-Dashoguz new high-voltage transmission line and two substations of 500 kilovolts each, built on this route within the project of creation of a uniform energy ring of the country. A significant event of the year «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» became an important chapter in the history of development of the national electric energy industry, which is given a key role in the strengthening of power of national economy and successful implementation of government programs in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State by right.

International Exhibition of Modern Food Production Technologies Held in Turkmenistan

An International Exhibition of Modern Food Production Technologies took place at the Expo Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country. Thanks to effective measures aimed at the intensive development of the agri-food sector and comprehensive government support for domestic agricultural producers, significant progress has been achieved in this sphere. As part of the implementation of long-term government programmes, large investments are directed towards the modernisation and technical and technological re-equipment of all sectors of the agro-industrial complex.

Investment as a Driving Force of Economy

The key objective of the investment strategy of the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is to attract financial investments in fixed assets and direct them to innovation, the manufacturing of value-added products and the areas that ensure the further socioeconomic development of the country. Macroeconomic indicators vividly demonstrate that Turkmenistan is an economically stable country that abides by the basic principles of neutrality, good neighbourly relations and respect for territorial integrity. These main pillars of our foreign economic policy help the country, among other things, maintain economic stability. World practice shows that investment is the key driver of economic prosperity. Turkmenistan adopted the Programme “Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052” setting forth the investing objectives to ensure the progressive and long-term development of all segments of the national economy. Its main aspects include the expansion of sectors to attract private capital, to enhance investor protection, to liberalise foreign trade and others.

Entrepreneurship is the Road to Prosperity

Today it is difficult to imagine the economy of Turkmenistan without private business. The non-state sector plays a significant role in modernising and diversifying sectors of the national economy, increasing the volume and expanding the range of high-quality and competitive products, ensuring food abundance and developing the country’s export potential, the respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasises. The potential of small and medium-sized businesses in Turkmenistan is evidenced by the fact that the share of the non-state sector of the economy, excluding the fuel and energy complex, in the country’s GDP is steadily increasing and has reached 70 per cent, and the private sector employs more than half of the employed population. Based on the strategic objectives of the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan of the socioeconomic development of the country in 2022–2028 and the National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan of transforming the social and living conditions of the population of villages, settlements, etrap towns and etrap centres for the period until 2028, the country’s entrepreneurs continue to consistently work to increase the manufacture of import-substituting and export-oriented products.


After gaining independence, our country completely reorganised financial relations. These relations facilitated accelerated production growth in market conditions. As a result, GDP is now growing at its fastest rate. During the years of independence, a number of laws and regulations on financial relations at enterprises have been adopted. For example, the laws on business, entrepreneurship, joint stock companies, taxes and property and many other laws are implemented. These laws are updated regularly to meet the demands of modern market economy. In this regard, the Law On Youth State Policy, which sets forth the legal framework, goals, objectives, principles, main areas, measures and approaches to the implementation of the state youth policy in Turkmenistan, was adopted. The general provisions of the Constitution envisage creating conditions conducive to research, innovation and entrepreneurial activities of citizens of Turkmenistan aged 14 to 30 years, protecting the life of young people and building life supporting infrastructure.

Partnership for progress

At a time of globalisation, achieving the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals is impossible without ensuring partnership. Goal 17 “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development”, aims to strengthen the means of the implementation and to stir up the work within the framework the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. Turkmenistan is an active participant in international processes and consistently builds relationships with all countries, based on the principles of equality, friendship, good neighbourliness and mutual benefit. In accordance with the objectives of the Programme “Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052” and the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan of the Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022–2028, the neutral policy of Turkmenistan as a universal strategically important tool is aimed at further developing cooperation with world and regional states and with authoritative international organisations.

Basis for economic development

Thanks to the national programmes of the socioeconomic development of Turkmenistan, the country has achieved significant results in its industrial advancement. The prosperous state has been created in accordance with the industrial policy pursued by the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, economic reforms and measures taken to modernise, to technically and technologically re-equip and to stimulate the growth of all industries. Today, special attention is paid to the development of industry. This is due to the fact that this segment of the national economy has a significant potential. The experience of developed countries shows that it is thanks to the active development of industry that it is possible to achieve high economic growth and to increase the competitiveness of the economy. A significant impetus for industrial development was the adoption of the National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052 and the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan of the socioeconomic development of the country in 2022–2028, focused on solving the strategic tasks of developing the industrial sector of the economy, related to accelerating the processes of the diversification of the oil and gas, power, light, machine-building, chemical, food, electronic, building materials, metallurgical and other industries and ensuring the rapid development of

The President of Turkmenistan took part in solemnities on the occasion of commissioning and stone-laying ceremonies of new projects

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Balkan velayat, where he took part in solemnities on the occasion of commissioning and stone-laying ceremonies of new projects of energy and social infrastructure. These events marked a next important step on the path of implementation of large-scale programs called to ensure sustainable development and diversification of national economy, increase in its export potential, accelerated industrialization of the country and dynamic development of regions. An active introduction of advanced technologies and innovative solutions into practice, creation of optimal conditions for progressive all-round development of the fatherland act here as key areas.

Industrialisation, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goal 9, one of the 17 SDGs set by the UN for 2030 seeks to build resilient infrastructure, to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and to foster innovation. Infrastructure investments are essential to achieving sustainable economic development and expanding the rights and opportunities for people to employment and income. To achieve Goal 9, the UN calls upon countries to develop high-quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder one, for supporting economic development and human wellbeing; to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and, by 2030, to significantly raise industry’s share of employment and gross domestic product; to increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises to financial services, including affordable credits; to upgrade infrastructure and to retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and the greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes; to support research and to foster innovations. Inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, along with innovations and infrastructure, can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income.

Indicators of the Turkmen Economy

The rapid economic growth, which is eloquently evidenced by the dynamic pace of the country’s development due to the diversification and modernisation of the economy, the carefully thought-out investment policy and the strengthening of the trade and financial sector, pleases with its scale and results. Today, comprehensive measures are being successfully implemented in Turkmenistan for the further progressive development of the country, which contributes to ensuring positive trends in all sectors of the economy and regions, and in terms of annual growth, the country takes one of the leading positions in the world. The development of the national economy is inextricably linked with the transformation of the state into an industrialised one. New industrial sectors were created in the country almost from scratch – oil and gas, engineering, metallurgy, electronics, construction and production of modern building materials, pharmaceuticals, textile production and shipbuilding. Great success has also been achieved in the agricultural sector. The implementation of measures to ensure food security made it possible to significantly increase the volume and range of food products manufactured within the country. The abundance and variety of products on the shelves have become a symbol of the fertility of our land and evidence of a steady increase in the wellbeing of the people and the eff

Prospects of Transport Corridors

Transport corridors play an increasingly important role in global economic cooperation. The improvement of international transport and transit corridors passing through the territory of Turkmenistan is a key priority of the foreign policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. This is not accidental, since the transnational logistics sector is of great importance for joint efforts of our state and other countries of the world. Transport communications of Turkmenistan make it possible to deliver transit cargo to all countries of Europe and Asia. This is ensured by a well-developed system of logistics services – one of the major factors of a progressing economy. The prospects for bolstering transport cooperation not only on the Eurasian continent, but also with the world community significantly expand the transit potential of Turkmenistan. Therefore, the development of the necessary infrastructure – railway, sea, air and road transport and a communications network – gives a powerful impetus to the successful integration of the countries of the region into the global processes of economic development, increasing investment flows and facilitating effective cooperation in the context of intercontinental economic realities in the Eurasian space.

The Industrial Complex of the Country: Potential and Prospects

Turkmenistan pays special attention to industrial development. In this regard, the key aspect is the diversification of the industrial sector and the growth in production and export of high-quality competitive goods. In accordance with the instructions of the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the industry is to achieve the crucial tasks of adopting digital technologies, building new enterprises, reconstructing existing ones and supplying high-quality industrial goods to domestic consumers. Industry is known to reflect the evolution of science and technology, to occupy a leading position in developed countries, to give an impetus to the development of related sectors and to bring the country up to a leading position in the global economy. It is not accidental that the industrial sector, rightfully recognised as the most important segment of a dynamically developing economy, plays the decisive role in implementing the large-scale programmes, including the Programme “Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052 and the Socioeconomic Development Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for 2022–2028.

Major chicken meat supplier

The Nurly Meýdan farm produces broiler chickens of the ROSS-308 breed that is well known for high egg laying and fast growth rates. Today, this farm is a major chicken meat and table egg supplier in the country, maintaining its position as a producer of one-third of the total volume of chicken meat sold in the country. The breeding stock of egg-laying hens was brought into the country from Hungary several years ago. Now the automated incubator of the poultry farm, located in the Bereket etrap, Balkan velayat, is capable of receiving up to 12 million one-day-old chickens at the same time. In addition to eggs, the farm supplies 4,000-5,000 tonnes of dietary chicken meat annually. The high quality of the products allowed Nurly Meýdan to conclude supply contracts with the chain stores of ES Bereketli and Kämil market, the velayat departments of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations and the markets in Ashgabat. The production infrastructure is based on a poultry farm in Uzyn Suv settlement, which after privatisation and reconstruction made it possible to revamp and build a dozen of farms for 100,000 egg-laying hens. At that time, 20-30 million eggs were laid in an incubator, and the rest were sold and used to raise broilers and young birds. Europe-made equipment, installed at the farm, performs well in the climatic conditions of Turkmenistan. The local engineers solve

Drivers of the National Economy

The impressive achievements in the economy that Turkmenistan has gained are the natural results of the measures taken on the initiative of Arkadagly Serdar. Sustainable economic growth has been achieved primarily through the targeted implementation of deep structural market transformations in the economy, the diversification and technical re-equipment of industries and the construction of new competitive enterprises. Today, one of the priority areas for deepening the economic reforms, carried out in Turkmenistan, is the further development of small business and private entrepreneurship. An important stimulating role in the development of the business community in Turkmenistan is primarily played by tax incentives, financial support measures, concessional lending, the simplification of export-import operations, the provision of practical assistance at all stages of organisation, the implementation of entrepreneurial activities and the bringing of legislation in this area in line with the requirements of international norms and principles. A particularly powerful impetus to the development of small business was given by the National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022–2028, which provides for such main directions as the further promotion of a favourable policy for the development of this sector through the creation of stimulating legislative docum

Logistics Potential of the Country

In the 21st century, trade remains a key aspect of cooperation between countries and serves as the backbone of modern society, also ensuring peace and cooperation among peoples. In terms of international trade, one of the most discussed issues is the establishment of sustainable supply chains. The creation of a harmonious system of transit corridors is one of the priorities of the economic strategy of Turkmenistan. In accordance with the adopted National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052, the country’s efforts are aimed at the successful implementation of the tasks of the fullest use of the geo-economic potential of our Motherland through the creation of logistics corridors, the enhancement of the role of the country and its integration into the regional and international system of multimodal communications.

Logistics: The Science of Integrated Transportation and Carriage of Goods

In his speech at the first Central Asia–China Summit, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov put forward initiatives to build effective industrial cooperation schemes and to develop joint energy and transport projects. The President confirmed that our country was ready to expand transport cooperation, the key factor of which was the existence of objective mutual interests of the Central Asian countries and China. The issues related to interaction in the energy and the transport and logistics sectors, including the development and operation of relevant infrastructures, were considered during the talks between the President of Turkmenistan and the Prime Minister of Hungary on June 9 this year.

Transit Corridors of Economy

The prospects of international economic relations and foreign trade of Turkmenistan contribute to the positive growth in cargo traffic, in servicing which the role of all existing and new large transport hubs of our state is steadily being increased. These intentions are being implemented consistently. Undoubtedly, transport corridors are of tremendous importance for joint work of our state with other countries and the development of the transport sector in addressing social and economic issues. Today, Turkmenistan has created a sufficiently diversified production potential for further effective integration of the national economy of Turkmenistan into the world economic system. These are developed transport and communication arteries, high-quality market infrastructure, economic and legal guarantees and an environment for attracting large-scale investments. And the social and political stability of the Turkmen state. Continuous work is being done in all these areas, and significant results have been achieved, for example, in the implementation of the transport and transit policy of esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Achievements and Potential of the Turkmen Capital City are in the Spotlight

 XXII International Universal Exhibition “White City of Ashgabat” The XXII International Universal Exhibition “White City of Ashgabat”, organised by the Ashgabat City Administration and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country, was held in the capital.

International Transport and Transit Corridors: Interconnectivity and Development

A Large-Scale Industrial Conference and Exhibition Were Held in Turkmenistan The capital city hosted the II International Conference and Exhibition entitled “International Transport and Transit Corridors: Interconnectivity and Development–2023”, the venue of which was the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country.

Factors of Economic Stability

The main tasks of the long-term progressive development of all sectors of the national economy are set forth in the Socioeconomic Development Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for 2022–2028. One of the most important areas for the progressive growth of Turkmen economy is the production of modern goods and market promotion of domestic products that meet international standards. Despite global economic challenges, which are hindering GDP growth of many countries and in some cases are creating the negative dynamics of economic growth, Turkmenistan’s GDP growth remains stable. One of the factors of economic stability is import substitution. This economic policy is a state strategy, the essence of which is simple – the replacement of foreign products with domestically produced goods. The goal is obvious: to stimulate and protect national economic interests by creating favourable conditions for industry and reducing the dependence on imports, introducing innovative technologies and expanding opportunities for using the accumulated national industrial potential.