''Arkadagly ýaşlar" žurnaly

The Founder-Youth Organization Of Turkmenistan Named After Magtymguly Address: Ashgabat C.,Garashsyzlyk Avenue; 104 Phone.:(993 12) 44-88-80; Fax:44-88-94 Email Address: Arkadaglyyashlar@gmail.Com



Absolutely, the Internet has revolutionised the way we live, making our lives easier in countless ways. Here are some of the key areas where the Internet shines: ·  Communication: Staying connected with loved ones is a breeze. Gone are the days of expensive long-distance calls or waiting for letters to arrive. With email, video chat platforms, and social media, we can connect instantly, no matter the distance.


In today’s world, sport is a significant component of international cooperation that contributes greatly to building trust between nations. In fulfilling the tasks of international relations, the sphere of activity of sports diplomacy focuses on establishing and maintaining contacts among the sports communities of different countries at various levels. A special role in sports diplomacy belongs to the sport of highest achievements. In the current international political environment, sports diplomacy is increasingly characterised as an effective tool of “soft power” that enables the state to fulfil various tasks, including important and complex ones, and solve problems in the international arena. Thanks to the records and achievements of athletes and national teams in international tournaments, the perception and image of a country can change at such an incredible speed that even diplomatic actions are not always able to match. One of the most important tools of sports diplomacy in solving relationship problems is public diplomacy. Public diplomacy is used to inform the public and foreign audiences, establish contacts and initiate a constructive dialogue, which contributes greatly to the formation of trusting relations between the public of different countries. While official diplomacy is focused on the structures of state authorities, public diplomacy is aimed for the widest pu


Magtymguly, who dedicated his talent to serving enduring universal values, is one of the significant figures in the spiritual and intellectual global processes. The great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy dreamed of building a secular, jural and democratic state for the Turkmen people. After Turkmenistan gained independence in 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Turkmen people chose the path of neutrality rooted in their centuries-old traditions and way of life as the foundations of the domestic and foreign policies. The policy of neutrality of Turkmenistan is characterised by such principles as good neighbourliness, mutual understanding, peacefulness, non-interference in the internal affairs of states, non-participation in military alliances and blocs and resolution of international issues through political and diplomatic means. After Turkmenistan gained independence, the Turkmen people chose the policy of permanent positive neutrality as the basis of the domestic and foreign policies. This policy underlies national development, and its practice over the years of independence has convincingly shown the full conformity of the Turkmen model of neutrality to the long-term national interests. Today, Magtymguly is considered the father of Turkmen literature and a nationally recognised cultural icon. His renown largely persists through the rich, ingrained


The 300th birth anniversary of the great son of the Turkmen people, thinker, philosopher and poet Magtymguly Pyragy is widely celebrated in our country this year. It is a significant event not only for our country, but also for the world community, and we will organise several festive and solemn events in Uzbekistan. This friendly country is proud of Alisher Navoiy and other great poets. The immortal poetries and humane ideals of the Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy that get to the heart and awaken the wonderful personality traits are the spiritual and moral balm not only for the Turkmen people, but also for all the people in the world. The poems calling for harmony, humanity and cohesion and the immortal words of the great philosopher and poet are an integral part of values of humanity, including the fraternal and friendly people of Uzbekistan. This testifies to good relations between the two neighbouring countries, as well as strong friendship and brotherhood among different peoples of the world.


The Turkmen people have always been taking care of and protecting the environment like the apple of their eye. Today, the national traditions of environmental protection inherited from our ancestors are becoming increasingly relevant. The annual nationwide greening campaigns play an important role in turning Turkmenistan into a blooming oasis and raise the people’s pride in their unique nature. In Turkmenistan, environmental protection is one the state policy priorities.  The achievement of sustainable development and environmental security on the planet is closely linked to international cooperation. Our country that acceded dozens of United Nations environmental conventions takes a responsible approach to tackling the challenges to sustainable development facing the world community.


The 300th birth anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy is widely celebrated in the year «The Fount of the Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy» of the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The We, the Happy Descendants of Arkadag Serdarly Watan photo contest was held under the auspices of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care to praise our younger generation, who express their love for our dear Motherland, family values and beautiful nature in their works, for their talents. The talented young artists from Ashgabat, Arkadag City, the districts of the regions and villages of the country took part in the contest.


In realms of letters, where worlds unite, Magtymguly’s voice, a beacon’s light,


According to the 2024 State of the Developer Nation report, there are 28.7 million software developers worldwide. By 2030, there will be reportedly 45 million software engineers if things continue at that rate. It is therefore evident that the rivalry in the IT industry will only grow more intense, regardless of your level of experience as a software engineer or as a budding coder.


In the Year “The Fount of the Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy”, the foreign policy and humanitarian approach pursued wisely by our esteemed Arkadagly Hero President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is bearing fruits, enhancing bilateral and multilateral relations with other countries. The successful implementation of the future-oriented policies was confirmed once again by the recent visit of the youth delegation of Turkmenistan to the Republic of India. As part of the introductory visit of the youth delegations of the Central Asian countries to the Republic of India, the youth delegation of Turkmenistan made a 10-day journey to the Republic of India in March 2024 at the invitation of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and the Government of India.


Spring is the season of renewal, growth, and beauty. It is the time when nature awakens from its winter slumber and bursts into life with vibrant colors, fragrant scents, and melodious sounds. Spring is also the season of joy, hope, and inspiration for many people who appreciate the wonders of nature and celebrate its gifts. One of the most amazing wonders of spring is the flowering of plants and trees. After the cold and barren winter, the earth is covered with a carpet of green grass, dotted with colorful flowers of various shapes and sizes. The frozen earth wakes up and gives birth to young and fresh trees, signalling the awakening of dormant life. School and college children are given spring holidays to take time off their studies and enjoy time with friends and family.


Internationalization, as described by Deardorff (2004)is a process that in corporates international perspective in learning, research, and service in the traits of higher education. He quotes the American Council on Education, when defining internationalization as: –a broad range of intellectual and experiential activities designed to help individuals understand the global environment in which they live, communicate across borders, and acquire an understanding of the cultural, social, and political systems of other nations and the interactions between nations.


Turkmenistan is a full-fledged subject of the world community and adheres to the principles of permanent neutrality in foreign policy, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, refusal to use force and participate in military alliances and promotion of peaceful, friendly and mutually beneficial relations with the countries of the region and all states of the world. Turkmenistan acknowledges the priority of universally recognized norms of international law. In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, our Father land, with the strong legal basis laid by our Hero Arkadag and continued by our Arkadagly Serdar, is reaching high levels in various fields and social and economic development. Today, the legal basis of our country is being strengthened.


As a result of the successful continuation of the noble endeavours initiated by Hero-Arkadag by Hero President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, special importance is attached to the consistent expansion of interaction with the organisations of the United Nations, including UNESCO. Our country has implemented the large scale joint projects and accumulated vast experience in cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian spheres and in preserving historical heritage. The National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO conducts effective activities in this area. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was born on 16 November 1945. UNESCO has 195 Members and 8 Associate Members and is governed by the General Conference and the Executive Board. The Organization has more than 50 field offices around the world and its headquarters are located in Paris. UNESCO's mission is to contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared - values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual resp


In this wonderful period, when the 300th birth anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy is widely celebrated at the international level, the artistic works about the life and creativity of the wise poet are presented to the readers, and the scientific articles are published regularly. The number of readers in different countries, who read the wise poet's poems, translated into many languages, is increasing. The selected works by Magtymguly Pyragy, published in different years, the works and scientific articles about the poet, the publications, the works about the poet's creativity, the connection with other professions, trends and literary works show the immense respect of the Turkmen people and foreign scientists, writers and scholars, who study Magtymguly's creativity, to the national poet of the Turkmen people.


In the year «Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar», representatives of Turkmenistan’s youth contributed to the work of the13th UNESCO Youth Forum, which was held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France on November 14-15, 2023. This was an important event for Turkmenistan’s youth–they joined the global event that let them share their ideas and make connections world wide. Their participation showed the world how engaged and important Turkmenistan's youth is in shaping a better world. The development of cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is one of the priority areas of the foreign policy strategy in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. For 30 years of cooperation, great progress has been made towards implementing the UNESCO mandate in our country, as well as increasing the cultural, educational and scientific potential.


The National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for the improvement of social and living conditions in villages, towns in etraps and etrap centres until 2020 initiated by Hero Arkadag and often called the Village National Programme was successfully implemented since its adoption in 2007, including the implementation of complex measures in different segments of the social sphere and engineering infrastructure to improve social and living conditions of the population. The Programme covered many areas of the Sustainable Development Goals proclaimed at the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly in September 2015. These were mainly the areas linked with Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages, Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy services, Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation, Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries and Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. At the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on June 8, 2022, the Social and Economic Development Programme o


The President’s policy of supporting young scientists contributes to the development of the scientific, technical and economic potential of the country through developing young talents, encouraging scientific discoveries and training scientific workers. In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, in the Friendly and Happy Youth Year under the leadership of the esteemed President, every day of our lives is dedicated to celebrations and significant dates. Great developments and changes are being achieved in science, education, energy, agriculture, communications, sports, all sectors of the country.


A Turkmen wedding is the most important and solemn event. Formany generations, each part of the wedding ceremony is accompanied by special rituals designed to bring happiness  to a new family. Traditional Turkmen wedding ceremonies are celebrated most prominently in rural areas, where the older generation scherish theirýcustoms. What warms the heart is that theseýTurkmen traditions are not fleeting trends but rather robust connections to their ancestral heritage. Each region in Turkmenistan has the unique details of a wedding ceremony influenced by ancient tribal distinctions, making them particularly intriguing for ethnographers, cultural scientists and historians.


After gaining independence, our country completely reorganised financial relations. These relations facilitated accelerated production growth in market conditions. As a result, GDP is now growing at its fastest rate. During the years of independence, a number of laws and regulations on financial relations at enterprises have been adopted. For example, the laws on business, entrepreneurship, joint stock companies, taxes and property and many other laws are implemented. These laws are updated regularly to meet the demands of modern market economy. In this regard, the Law On Youth State Policy, which sets forth the legal framework, goals, objectives, principles, main areas, measures and approaches to the implementation of the state youth policy in Turkmenistan, was adopted. The general provisions of the Constitution envisage creating conditions conducive to research, innovation and entrepreneurial activities of citizens of Turkmenistan aged 14 to 30 years, protecting the life of young people and building life supporting infrastructure.


In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, great attention is paid to protecting and preserving natural resources and nature of the Motherland for future generations. The Karakum Desert that covers a significant part of the total area of our country is a treasure of our country. The Karakum Desert has a very rich flora and fauna. This Turkmen desert is distinguished by its natural wonders and incredible beauty. Thousands of plant species are found in Turkmenistan, and more than 700 of them grow in the desert. In this regard, we should highlight the publication of Volume XV of the Arkadag’s scientific encyclopaedia “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan” that describes the national traditions of healing and the medicinal value of the rich flora of the Turkmen land. You clearly see the inextricable connection between human health and nature in the scientific works by our scientist Arkadag. One of the plants widely used in folk medicine is saxaul.