"Türkmenistan Sport" Halkara žurnalynyň elektron goşundysy

Founder: Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan
Adress: 54, B.Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi Avenue, Ashgabat Telephones: 22-81-38


Healthy eating

«7/24.tm», №25 (108), 20.06.2022  The Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan recommends

Regulations of the world beach sambo championships 2022 have been published competitions

«7/24.tm», №25 (108), 20.06.2022       The World Beach SAMBO Championships 2022 will be held in Israel on August 27-28. The venue for the competition will be the Riviera beach of the city of Bat Yam. The competition regulations are published in the calendar of the FIAS official website.

What to do in hot weather

«7/24.tm», № 24 (107), 13.06.2022 The Turkmen summer has begun reigning, and the thermometer creeps up every day. On these days, you should not forget about the precautions in hot weather. Wear lightweight and light-coloured clothes, be sure to wear hats and try to be in direct sunlight as little as possible. When you leave the house, take a bottle of water with you.

Labour victory of Turkmen silk growers

«7-24.tm», № 24 (107), 13.06.2022 Turkmen silk growers have delivered over 2,300 tons of cocoons to the state and fulfilled their obligations on the production of the valuable raw materials for the textile industry. This is a tangible result of the measures taken by the state under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to promote silk production in the country.

27 Congress of the Sambo Union of Asia was held in Lebanon

«7/24.tm», № 23 (106), 06.06.2022 The Congress of the SAMBO Union of Asia (SUA) was held in Jounieh City of Lebanon on June 1 in a mixed offline/online format. It was attended by representatives of Australia, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Hong Kong, India, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Syria, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Japan.

How to protect from the sun

«7/24.tm», № 23 (106), 06.06.2022 The calendar summer continues. To avoid the effects of heat and maximize your health, you must carefully follow the recommendations of doctors.

Facts about cycling

«7/24.tm», № 23 (106), 06.06.2022 As is known, there are a lot of cycling fans. They even created their International Union that gave out a more or less exact figure – more than one and a half billion people on the globe. Obviously, this vehicle is an indispensable attribute of modern civilization. The interest in it is therefore natural.

Turkmen sportswoman won a silver at international pankration tournament

«7/24.tm», № 22 (105), 30.05.2022 The sportswoman from Turkmenistan Sevara Abdullayeva won a silver medal in pankration at the first tournament of the International Wrestling League of Poddubny, reports wrestlingtv.ru.

Turkmenistan accepted to the full member of the International Federation of Mixed Martial Arts

«7/24.tm», № 22 (105), 30.05.2022 Turkmenistan accepted to the full member of the International Federation of Mixed Martial Arts

Turkmen wrestlers win 15 medals at the Asian Alysh Wrestling Championship

«7/24.tm», № 22 (105), 30.05.2022 According to the results of two types of the program, 15 medals were won by Turkmen palvans at the Asian Alysh wrestling championship that ended in the Kyrgyz city of Osh.


   «7/24.tm», № 21 (104), 23.05.2022 On May 17, 2022, the presentation ceremony of the book of the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «The Meaning of My Life», published in Russian, was held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

Turkmen chess player Meylis Annaberdiev become a grandmaster

   «7/24.tm», № 21 (104), 23.05.2022 The International Chess Federation (FIDE) has awarded Turkmen chess player Meylis Annaberdiev the title of grandmaster, Orient reports.

Winners of Ashgabat golf championship determined

   «7/24.tm», № 21 (104), 23.05.2022 The championship of Ashgabat on golf was held on the territory of the capital’s golf club.

Sambists from Australia and New Zealand will take part in the Asian Sambo Championships for the first time

   «7/24.tm», № 21 (104), 23.05.2022 The Asian SAMBO Championships will be held in Lebanon on June 2-4 and will go down in history thanks to its participants. The strongest sambists of the Asian continent will fight for the medals of the tournament together with representatives of Australia and Oceania: the teams of Australia and New Zealand will take part in competitions.

Constitution day

«7-24.tm», № 20 (103), 16.05.2022   On May 18, Turkmenistan will celebrate the 30 th anniversary of the Constitution. Over the years, much has changed in the life of our society and state, national legislation has been significantly modernised, modern laws and other regulatory legal acts have been adopted, which greatly contribute to the development of state and public institutions.

President of Turkmenistan elected president of national Olympic committee

   «7-24.tm», № 20 (103), 16.05.2022 On May 10, 2022, the General Assembly of the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan held a regular meeting in Ashgabat. The participants reported on the work done by the National Olympic Committee in 2016-2021 and considered the issues related to the election of the President of the National Olympic Committee.

Advice to promote your health

«7-24.tm», № 20 (103), 16.05.2022   If your immune system is weak, then you have only one way out – to take care of it and help it effectively respond to all external threats. Here are some recommendations on how to boost your immune system.


«7-24.tm», № 20 (103), 16.05.2022     Flamingo is a Portuguese word that has penetrated in many European languages. Flamingo in Russian, English and German, flamant in French, flamingi in Polish, flamenco in Spanish and plameňáci in Czech. Flamingo is translated from Latin as «flame», as the root of this word «flamma» means flame, fire or heat, which very accurately reflects the colour of these birds.

Presentation of book «Ömrümiň manysy» by Hero-Arkadag

  «7/24.tm», № 19 (102), 09.05.2022. On May 3, 2022, the presentation of the book Ömrümiň Manysy by Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took place at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

Changes have been made to the International sambo rules

  «7/24.tm», № 19 (102), 09.05.2022. On April 27, the members of the FIAS Executive Committee voted for the introduction of changes and additions to the International SAMBO Rules. The list of changes, as well as the dates when the decisions come into force, are published on the FIAS official website.