Large sport holiday

23 June 2021

President of Turkmenistan:
— In the Epoch of Might and Happiness mass popularization of the bicycle sport and combination of cycling with effective recreation show the further growth of interest of our people following the healthy way of life and becoming of physical culture and sport the inseparable part of the common culture of our society.

Marking the 3rd of June as the World Bicycle Day has become a good tradition. Establishment of the World Bicycle Day by the General Assembly of the UNO on the initiative of our esteemed President once again showed creative, humanistic and peace-loving features of Turkmenistan. To be exact, at the 82nd meeting of the 72nd session of the General Assembly of the UNO on the initiative of Turkmenistan the Resolution was adopted and 56 states were in co-authorship of the Resolution on the World Bicycle Day. The declaration the 3rd of June as the World Bicycle Day vividly showed that the initiatives of our country on strengthening peace, friendship and fruitful co-operation are unanimously supported on the world level. This historic event testifies increasing of international authority of our country and its faithfulness to peace-loving, humanistic and fruitful co-operation traditions. A special attention is paid to development of bicycle sport in our country. Organizing mass bicycle trips has become a good tradition. It is important to underline that the participation of our National Leader in mass events held on that day is an exemplary contribution to development of healthy style movement, increasing the number of people going in for cycling sport, on the whole, to popularizing of sport, and also to formation of new ecologic views, and appeal to increasing the responsibility of the society to the condition of environment.

Sahyjemal TAJIYEVA,
Senior teacher of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport.
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