Agahan Durdyyev, the Pioneer of the new Turkmen Literature

25 March 2021

In his book «The time to look back» remembering the course of life and the creative work of Agahan Durdyyev, a well-known Turkmen writer, one of the pioneers of the new Turkmen prose Alexander Ivanovich Aborskiy wrote: «For a long time there is not Agahan among us. Schoolchildren, young people read his books, philologists study his manuscripts, from time to time in editorial office or in the Union of Writers they remember this quiet and at the same time significant, bright man. One day, as if by chance, it was revealed that in comparison with his contemporaries of the same age, Agahan mastered well pure, rich Turkmen language. It is of course very important and these features for the young Turkmen prose are of no small importance. But not only purity of the language and picturesque style show the true essence of the prose of Agahan Durdyyev». (A.Аборский. Время оглянутъся. Москва, 1988, стр. 200)

It is really so. In 1920-s works of this writer really opened new pages of the new Turkmen literature.

Romanguly MUSTAKOV,
Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Head of the Foreign Literature department, candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor.
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