"Edebiýat we sungat" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-62-17, 38-62-33, 38-62-01
Email: edebiyatwesungat@sanly.tm


The champion wins

Arkadag Football Club won a friendly match during the training sessions held in the UAE. The players of Vladimir Bayramov defeated FC Abdysh-Ata Kant, the champion and the holder of Supercup of Kyrgyzstan, with a score of 2:1. It should be noted that the players of Arkadag Football Club form the national football team of Turkmenistan. The club was founded in April, 2023. In the first season, the team became the national champion and won the Cup of Turkmenistan.During the second training sessions held in Abu Dhabi, the UAE, Arkadag Football Club defeated the Russian Premier League team FC Pari NN (2:1) and drew the match against the Russian champion FC Zenit Saint Petersburg (1:1).

Importance of sports for education

«7/24. tm» № 09 (196), 26.02.2024 Every teenager has his or her goal, for example to study or go in for sport. This goal is the key to the development of the teenagers’ abilities both in education and sport.

Education is the light of happiness

Educating the smart young people who have a broad outlook, understand the requirements of the times, and make a worthy contribution to the development of the Motherland is a priority of the state policy in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Thus, great work is underway to develop the science and education system to promote social and economic progress. This work is reflected in the growth of the national intellectual potential. The Turkmen people have a popular saying, ‘knowledge and wisdom are more valuable than gold’. Indeed, education is a value that ensures the development of society. In this context, the state policy in Turkmenistan is aimed at the balanced development of the education system and the comprehensive upbringing of the younger generations. This fact was confirmed at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on February 9 this year.

Significance of the national games

Impressive work is underway to provide a happy life for the younger generations in Turkmenistan. It is important for the Turkmen youth to be happy, prosperous, and notable people. Starting from family upbringing and the education they receive at public schools, young people cherish the national values and principles. The education of person extends from the primary, secondary and high schools through the life apart from parents. Thus, educators are responsible to inculcate the national moral values in their minds and spiritual life. The national education includes the development of children’s mind, upbringing, and spiritual world through the national games. By playing these games, children learn the advantages of friendship, honesty, attentiveness, and creativity.

Kabaddi in the Complex of Military Games

These days in the capital of Iran, Tehran, the third international seminar of referees on kabaddi (an ancient Indian team game) with participation of representatives of many countries (Japan, China, the Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand and others), including Turkmenistan, concluded its work. Three masters of the Hanmudo National Martial Arts Federation that also includes this sport, which is gaining more and more popularity year after year, developed their referee skills. A vivid indication of this is the inclusion of kabaddi in the programme of various continental and world-level competitions. For example, this Indian game, similar to the Turkmen national game “Aýterek-Günterek”, has been represented in the complex of the classic Asian Summer Games for several decades. However, perhaps the main news of this year was the inclusion of kabaddi in the competitions held under the auspices of the International Military Sports Council (CISM).

Sambo wrestlers stand on podium in team event

The Turkmenistan team successfully performed at the international tournament for the prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus, which was held as part of sambo and combat sambo training sessions in Minsk from January 24 to February 13, 2024. The Turkmenistan team won 15 medals (4 gold, 3 silver and 8 bronze) and took 3rd place in the team event of the tournament, which took place on February 7-10.

Two World Championships are Ahead

The first month of spring of the current year for Turkmen hockey players will be marked by two significant events – the participation of national teams in the world championships of the third division among juniors under 18 (U-18) and among adults. Therefore, the Turkmenistan Ice Hockey Championship taking place these days in Ashgabat has become an important stage in preparation for the upcoming competitions. The national tournament is being held in Ashgabat for the ninth time. In eight of them, the undisputed leader was the capital’s club Galkan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has won the main trophy of the competition eight times, that is, the club is the absolute champion of the country. The athletes trained by Bayram Allayarov are in the lead this time too, occupying first place in the standings with twelve points.

An interesting tournament

The U20 Chess Championships of Turkmenistan have been recently held at the Specialized Chess and Checkers School of the Ashgabat Main Department on Physical Culture and Sports. The main goal of the tournament organized by the State Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan and the Chess Federation of Turkmenistan was to promote chess and to reveal the best players for the national teams. The Swiss-system tournament consisted of 9 rounds in classic time control, rapid and blitz chess. About 100 players from Ashgabat and regions of the country took part in the competitions. The tournament revealed the best young masters in all events. Each game lasted 90 minutes with an addition of 30 seconds after each move. Athletes competed for 15 minutes with an addition of 10 seconds in the rapid events and for 3 minutes plus 2 seconds in the blitz events. 6 players became the champions, and 18 athletes won prizes. Chess player Amanmuhammet Hommadov demonstrated the highest results among men, and Lala Shohradova won the gold medal and the Cup of the Chess Federation of Turkmenistan in the women’s event.

The ocean of wisdom

2024 has been declared the year ‘Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy’. This fact demonstrates great power of the literary heritage of the Turkmen people and respect for the master, who dreamed of a strong state for his compatriots and unity. As is known, great work is underway to promote the intellectual heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy in Turkmenistan and in the world. In this context, large-scale measures are implemented in the field of sports. The literary heritage of the great poet and thinker is discussed at the promotional events held for young people. The poems by Magtymguly Pyragy have great value in educating the younger generations in the spirit of patriotism.

MMA Fighters Go to the Platform

Last weekend, the Ashgabat sports complex was the venue for the Open Championships of the Han Mu Do MMA (mixed martial arts) Federation that marked the motto of the year “The Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”. The great popularity of this martial art in our country is illustrated by the number of participants in the tournament – about 200 fighters representing the teams from the capital and the Ahal and Lebap velayats. The athletes were divided into three age groups. According to the rules, one five-minute round was held to determine the winner in the matches in the adult category, a four-minute round in the junior category and a three-minute round for the youngest participants, for many of whom this year’s championships became the first tournament in their sports career. The regulations also required the participants to fight without protective headgear.

Young Fencers Competing

The national fencing championship among cadets and juniors, organised by the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Physical Culture and Sports, has completed at the Balkanabat multifunctional sports complex. The competitions of the young “musketeers” took place over four days, during which they competed in three types of fencing: foil, epee and sabre.

Chess player from Turkmenistan topped at the White Elephant Elite Chess Tournament in Turkey

«7/24. tm» № 05 (192), 29.01.2024 Saparmyrat Atabaev, 24-year-old international master from Ashgabat, emerged as the winner of the 33rd White Elephant Elite Chess Tournament held in Turkey.

Flag of the International Sambo Federation was raised in Antarctica

«7/24. tm» № 05 (192), 29.01.2024 Participants of the international complex expedition «Peaceful East-200», carrying out an honorable mission in honor of the 85th anniversary of SAMBO, delivered the flag of the International Sambo Federation (FIAS) and the flag of the Sambo Union of Asia and Oceania (SUAO) to Antarctica. The flag raising ceremony took place on January 7.

Respect for the national values

On January 20, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the Equestrian Complex in the city of Arkadag, located in a beautiful corner at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains. At the venue, our Hero-Arkadag met the Executive Director of the Office of the President of Turkmenistan, the Chairman of the State Committee on Construction of the city of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan, the mayor of the city of Arkadag and the Vice-President of the International Turkmen Alabay Association and the International Ahalteke Equestrian Association. Our Hero-Arkadag got acquainted with the facilities of the Equestrian Complex, their placement and the conditions created in the working rooms of the Complex.

Football federation of turkmenistan sums up season

The laureates of the football season were announced following the results of voting by sports journalists and representatives of the Supreme League league of Turkmenistan. Elman Tagaev from Ahal was recognized as the best football player of Turkmenistan of the past season. Arkadag striker Didar Durdyev, who had scored 27 goals, is the top scorer of the Turkmenistan championships.

World Kurash Championships in Turkmenistan recognized as best IKA tournament in 2023

«7/24. tm» № 02 (189) 08.01.2024 The International Kurash Federation (IKA) recognized the World Championships in Ashgabat as the best tournament in 2023, the press office of the Federation reported.

Success of turkmen weightlifters

«7/24. tm» № 52 (187) 25.12.2023 The Turkmen athletes successfully performed at the Grand Prix II Weightlifting of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF), a Paris 2024 Olympic qualifier in Doha, Qatar.

The launch of the Korean Combat SAMBO League took place

«7/24. tm» № 52 (187) 25.12.2023 The launch of the Korean Combat SAMBO League (CSL Korea) took place on December 16 in the city of Chonan. During the tournament, held at the Korean SAMBO Center, 3 fights took place in various weight categories. The winners received cups and prize money.

A valuable guide

To date, the world community attaches special attention to the use of medicinal plants to improve the human health. The medicines prepared from those plants have a positive effect on the human health. Besides, those medicines are effective in strengthening health and preventing diseases. In this context, the multi-volume encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has great value. Thanks to the multi-volume encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ by our Hero-Arkadag, the Turkmen people radically changed their attitude towards medicinal plants. The concept that every plant growing on the Turkmen soil has medicinal properties lives in the minds of our compatriots. To date, herbal teas are in great demand among our people. The list of herbal teas prepared from the medicinal plants described in the multi-volume encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has extended. Moreover, preparation of herbal teas from those plants is regulated from a scientific point of view.

Public health is national wealth

According to the Saglyk State Programme developed by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, health and diagnostic centres, multi-purpose hospitals, sanatoria, pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises were built and put into operation in Ashgabat, the smart city of Arkadag and in all corners of the country. The Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre, Health Department, Multidisciplinary Hospital, Oncology Centre, Maternal and Child Health Centre, Emergency Centre, Health House and the automotive company were constructed in the city of Arkadag in the year ‘Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar’.