To pre­serve the me­mo­ry of ge­ne­ra­tions

15 April 2022

Du­ring the inau­gu­ra­tion cere­mo­ny, the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan Ser­dar Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov no­ted in his speech that mea­su­res would be ta­ken to care­ful­ly pre­serve and stu­dy his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge si­tes and to res­to­re his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral mo­nu­ments.

The Sta­te Prog­ram­me for the care­ful treat­ment, pre­servation and stu­dy of ob­jects of the na­tio­nal his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge and for their inclu­sion in tou­rist rou­tes for 2022–2028, app­roved by the Decree of the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan, is a vivid con­fir­ma­tion of the words of the he­ad of sta­te sa­id at the inau­gu­ra­tion cere­mo­ny. This Sta­te Prog­ram­me covers a comp­lex of sta­tio­na­ry archaeo­lo­gical re­search and res­to­ra­tion activities plan­ned for his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral mo­nu­ments in al­most all velayats of the count­ry. It al­so provides for the con­ti­nua­tion of the work al­rea­dy be­gun on the stu­dy and pre­servation of ob­jects of his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge, and al­so gives a start to new, previous­ly non-con­ducted re­search.

Alek­sand­ri­na YEVSTIG­NEYEVA
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