Dag­dan Means “from Moun­tains”

24 December 2021

In the world flo­ra, the area of the Cel­tis encircles the glo­be in a wi­de strip, the nort­hern bor­der of which pas­ses through Ja­pan, con­ti­nen­tal Asia and sout­hern Eu­ro­pe, and the sout­hern bor­der runs through Aust­ra­lia, the Cape re­gion of Af­rica and Ar­gen­ti­na. Des­pi­te the high po­ly­morp­hism, the­re are 50 Cel­tis species, the plant re­tains a sing­le ty­pe of structu­re of flo­wers, fruits and leaves, occupying various ecolo­gical niches.

This beau­ti­ful, po­wer­ful tree with a luxurious fif­teen-met­re crown is one of the few deciduous drought-re­sis­tant rock plants. Its bluish-green hard leat­he­ry leaves tend to curl in hot weat­her, which re­duces trans­pi­ra­tion – evapo­ra­tion of mois­tu­re. Fruits – dru­pes with fles­hy swee­tish pulp – ri­pen by Octo­ber, un­til la­te au­tumn they stay on the branches, serving as fo­od for birds. The light-loving plant li­kes free­dom and space, spreads its crown wi­de­ly, grows slow­ly, but lives up to 600 years, forms a develo­ped ro­ot sys­tem, kee­ping li­mes­to­ne outcrops and ot­her rocky moun­tain expo­su­res in low­lands from was­hout and wind ero­sion.

Ga­li­na VLA­SEN­KO,
a se­nior re­search wor­ker at the De­part­ment of Na­tu­re and Local Lo­re, Sta­te Mu­seum, Sta­te Cul­tu­ral Cent­re of Turk­me­nis­tan, Can­di­da­te of Bio­lo­gy. Pho­to is provided by the Mu­seum.
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