Go­od Luck, Ent­rants!

16 July 2021

This we­ek the ad­mis­sion cam­paign to secon­da­ry and hig­her pro­fes­sio­nal educatio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions of our count­ry has star­ted. The new 2021–2022 acade­mic year has brought cer­tain chan­ges to the sys­tem of pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning at a num­ber of hig­her schools.

First­ly, the­se inclu­de the trans­fer of a num­ber of univer­si­ties to a self-sus­tai­ning ba­sis on Sep­tem­ber 1, 2021, which cor­res­ponds to the goals of accele­ra­ting econo­mic, scien­ti­fic and techno­lo­gical develop­ment in the Era of Might and Hap­pi­ness. This in­novation al­so comp­lies with the tasks of imp­roving the fi­nancial and econo­mic sta­tus of hig­her educatio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions that will de­liver pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning on a pa­id ba­sis.

Vik­to­riya NOVIKOVA,
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