Turk­me­nis­tan–In­dia: a new sta­ge of the develop­ment of mu­tual­ly be­ne­ficial coo­pe­ra­tion

8 April 2022

Talks bet­ween Pre­si­dent Ser­dar Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov and Pre­si­dent Ram Nath Kovind

Ne­go­tia­tions bet­ween the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan Ser­dar Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov and the Pre­si­dent of the Re­pub­lic of In­dia Ram Nath Kovind, who had ar­rived in our count­ry the day be­fo­re on a sta­te visit, we­re held in the capi­tal city.

State News Agency
of Turkmenistan (TDH)
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