Gifts of Na­tu­re for Your Health

18 March 2022

Do you know that in ancient ti­mes, when peop­le did not know an­ti­bio­tics and ot­her synt­he­tic drugs, the gifts of na­tu­re hel­ped them ta­ke care of their health? To­day, the­se tra­di­tions of na­tu­ral hea­ling and preven­ting various di­sea­ses re­main im­por­tant. This is il­lust­ra­ted by the scien­ti­fic works of the lea­ding scien­tists of the world on the hea­ling po­wer of the gifts of na­tu­re. In this con­text, a special ro­le be­longs to the the­ma­tic se­ries of books Me­dicinal Plants of Turk­me­nis­tan by Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov. But not on­ly me­dicinal plants have hea­ling pro­per­ties, but al­so ot­her gifts of ge­ne­rous na­tu­re that help imp­rove health and ga­in strength and vigour for an active and full-blood li­fe.

Onion from seven ail­ments

Tya­ze­gul VEKI­LOVA
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