Present to the speed of the fast horse

30 September 2022

When the Turkmen people celebrate  holidays, family events and  other important ceremonies they usually  organize horse-races and then give presents  to  the winners of the horse-races. The organization of horse-races at the  Ahal-Teke  Horse-breeding Sport Complex located near the Kopetdag Mountains on the occasion  of the 31st Anniversary, the glorious holiday of Independence of Turkmenistan vividly showed that  these holiday traditions reached our times passing through centuries. The participation of our Esteemed President Serdar  Berdimuhamedov  in the   ceremony increased more the  number of glorious events.

Our Turkmen horse which became  the symbols of art, of national and world  culture during the centuries, at present they  have become the symbol of swift movement of  Independent Neutral Turkmenistan to the  new heights of development. Paying respect to the Turkmen horses,   the   names of which became the heroes of legends  following the noble family traditions The Head of our state pays much attention to the  development of national horse-breeding  branch, to increasing of  its authority in the world,  increasing the interest to horse-race sport and its widely popularization. Taking it into account the Turkmen horse-breeders show high mastership.
