Unique Specimen of Turk­men Archi­tectu­re

11 March 2022

The eas­tern re­gion of the count­ry abounds with ancient mo­nu­ments that have come down to us. This pri­ma­ri­ly re­fers to the Ka­ra­be­kaul his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral oa­sis located in the heart of the velayat. The­re, 21 ancient buil­dings stand in a re­la­tively small area along the banks of the Amu­da­rya River. The Sol­tan­niyaz­beg fort­ress ta­kes a special place among them. It is located 63 ki­lo­met­res from Turk­me­na­bat. It is not visib­le from a dis­tance, and on­ly when the car climbs the hill, nu­me­rous ruins of various sha­pe and si­ze will ap­pear to the left of the ro­ad. Ancient archi­tects did not choo­se the place of const­ructi­on by chance: a wi­de view from the hill al­lo­wed the in­ha­bi­tants a cen­tu­ry ago to see the app­roaching ene­mies and to pre­pa­re to de­fend the fort­ress.

In his scien­ti­fic work Ancient Le­bap, the re­now­ned re­searcher of the his­to­ry of the eas­tern velayat Al­bert Burk­ha­nov wri­tes that the peop­le of the Er­sa­ry tri­be be­gan to sett­le on the banks of the midd­le reaches of the Amu­da­rya River in the 16th cen­tu­ry. They we­re cha­racte­ri­sed by a dis­per­sed sett­le­ment and the const­ructi­on of lar­ge fort­res­ses. As a ru­le, they used the re­mains of the Kus­han ancient and me­dieval sett­le­ments for this (the Kus­han sta­te du­ring its hey­day covered a sig­ni­ficant part of mo­dern Afg­ha­nis­tan, Cent­ral Asia, Pa­kis­tan, In­dia and Xin­jiang). The most fa­mous fort­ress in the ter­ri­to­ry of the Ka­ra­be­kaul his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral oa­sis is that of Sol­tan­niyaz­beg not on­ly because of its location along the lon­gest stra­te­gic rou­te of the velayat.

Mars­tal BEK­TA­SOV,
NT Pho­to: the aut­hor