Pre­serving the Ma­nuscript He­ri­ta­ge of Py­ra­gy

25 February 2022

Spea­king at the 8th Sum­mit of the Coo­pe­ra­tion Council of Tur­kic-Spea­king Sta­tes on Novem­ber 12, 2021, Pre­si­dent Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov no­ted, “The outs­tan­ding rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Tur­kic peop­les are Mag­tym­gu­ly Py­ra­gy, Yu­nus Em­re, Mu­ham­mad Fi­zu­li, Abay, Yu­suf Ba­la­sa­gu­ni and Mu­ham­mad Ulugh Beg, who­se works con­ti­nue to ins­pi­re us to achieve new heights. Facing se­rious chal­len­ges to­day, we are gui­ded by the his­to­rical le­gacy of the great sta­tes­men and scho­lars of our fra­ter­nal peop­les, who bequeat­hed the im­pe­ris­hab­le princip­les of hu­ma­nism, go­od neigh­bour­li­ness and uni­ty.”

To­day, the li­fe dicta­tes the ne­ed for the in-depth stu­dy of the his­to­ry and cul­tu­re of the na­tion, its tra­di­tions and cus­toms. The re­search is ba­sed pri­ma­ri­ly on writ­ten mo­nu­ments. All writ­ten mo­nu­ments rep­re­sent a col­lecti­on of various documents and records, which al­low in ma­ny as­pects recrea­ting the pa­let­te of the cul­tu­ral li­fe of the Turk­men peop­le over the cen­tu­ries. The Turk­men bo­ok cul­tu­re develo­ped in the con­di­tions that we­re com­mon and clo­se for ma­ny peop­les of the Cent­ral Asian re­gion. The­re­fo­re, the stu­dy of the mo­nu­ments of Turk­men bo­ok cul­tu­re reveals a num­ber of ma­te­rials ref­lecting the cul­tu­ral li­fe of the neigh­bou­ring na­tions of Cent­ral Asia.

Gu­zya­li POL­LY­KOVA,
a se­nior re­search wor­ker at Mag­tym­gu­ly Ins­ti­tu­te of Lan­gua­ge and Li­te­ra­tu­re and Na­tio­nal Ma­nuscripts, Acade­my of Sciences of Turk­me­nis­tan