Fa­rab sphinx

25 February 2022

in the ni­ne­teenth cen­tu­ry, the Ger­man scien­tist A. Hum­boldt is known to have int­ro­duced the term “na­tu­ral mo­nu­ment” in­to science. It means ama­zing na­tu­ral spots or frag­ments. In the Le­bap velayat, the most fa­mous of them are located in the south, in the Koy­ten­dag et­rap. The­se are, first of all, the world fa­mous pla­teaus with di­no­saur tracks left 150 mil­lion years ago and karst caves with their ama­zing­ly beau­ti­ful in­lea­ka­ge decora­tion.

De­pen­ding on the scien­ti­fic and aest­he­tic value and unique­ness, na­tu­ral mo­nu­ments dif­fer in their im­por­tance in descen­ding or­der and in ot­her sta­tu­ses: re­gio­nal, na­tio­nal and local. Yes, such att­ractions do not have to com­pe­te with tho­se that scien­tists and tou­rists and simp­ly lovers of beau­ty know about in ma­ny count­ries. Ho­wever, this do­es not me­an that na­tu­ral mo­nu­ments of local im­por­tance are not of in­te­rest, this is evidenced by the unique cor­ners of na­tu­re located in the Fa­rab et­rap.

Mars­tal BEK­TA­SOV,
NT Pho­to: the aut­hor