New Method of Surgery in Practice of Turkmen Doctors

14 July 2023

An orthopaedic surgery, a Pemberton osteotomy, was performed for the first time in Turkmenistan on 5.5-year-old Atajan Shohradov from the Lebap velayat at the Clinical Research Centre of Maternal and Child Health. The child is under the care of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship.

Turkmen specialists studied the new method a year ago. As was reported, on May 18-25, 2022, Professor Vincent Frimberger from the Dritter Orden Clinic in Munich (Germany) visited the Clinical Research Centre of Maternal and Child Health in the framework of international cooperation in healthcare established by the Hero-Arkadag and effectively promoted by esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The aim of the visit was to exchange experience and to introduce the Pemberton method used to treat complex disorders that affect the hip joint into the practice of Turkmen colleagues. The Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Care donated a set of necessary surgical instruments to the Clinical Research Centre to perform a Pemberton osteotomy.

Ogulmahri GELDIYEVA,
Director at the Information Centre, Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. Photo: the author