3 March 2023

The World Radio Day is celebrated every year on February 13 to mark the important role that radio plays in our lives and society. The day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assemb ly in 2012, and its history can be traced back to the first International Radio Conference in Geneva in 1974. February 13 was chosen as World Radio Day as it is the day that the United Nations established the United Nations Radio in 1946. An Ita li an physicist and inven tor Gug li el mo Marconi invented the radio in 1895. Heis cre di ted with being the first to develop the practical and effective wireless communication system, which laid the foundation for the widespre ad use of radiotechnology. Radio quickly became one of the most powerful tools of communication of the 20th century, revolutionising the way people received and shared information. Radio broadcasting became a vital source of news, entertain ment and educational content, connecting communities and promoting understanding across borders.Radio continues to play a significant role in our lives today, serving as a source of information and entertainment and helping connect people around theworld. The significance of the World Radio Day lies in the unique power of radio as a medium of communication.Radio is a fast, accessible and affordable way to reach large audiences, making it an ideal tool for sharing information, raising awareness and connecting communities. The International University for the Humanities and Development also celebrates the World Radio Day by arranging exhibitions, book fairs and jeopardy games, in which the students of our University are taking an activepart.

student of International University for Humanities and Development.