Success of the Olympic movement

21 January 2022

The Turkmen athletes successfully perform at international events and demonstrate high results thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan. The participation and achievements of our athletes in the world's largest sports competitions and the high prestige of our country on the international sports arena indicate the special attention attached to the development of mass physical culture and the Olympic movement in our independent, permanently neutral Motherland.

To date, our outstanding athletes cherish the noble traditions of the Turkmen sport and reach new heights. Thus, the number of the Turkmen athletes who triumphed at the international events is growing. The achievements of our athletes, who have achieved outstanding results at different competitions, lifted highly the national flag of our beloved Motherland and enhanced the sports prestige of Turkmenistan, increase the pride of our people in the young generations. Our compatriot successfully competed in the weightlifting event at the XXXII Summer Olympics in Tokyo, won the first Olympic medal in the history of the Turkmen sports and delighted the Turkmen people.

a student, Magtymguly Turkmen State University.