Regular diagnosis and personal hygiene to prevent diseases

1 April 2022

Among modern medical institutions, a special place is occupied by diagnostic centres. They specialise exclusively in making diagnoses. For this, the latest techniques are used, examinations are carried out using highly sensitive equipment, and the conclusion is given by experienced doctors with specialised qualifications. At diagnostic centres, you can undergo computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and X-ray examination, fluorography and mammography. Devices for such kinds of diagnostics can give a complete picture of the state of the organs under examination.

A number of examinations should be carried out annually for preventive purposes. This makes it possible to detect deviations from the norm in time and avoid many problems. Diagnostic examination can be undergone at any medical institution in the country. For examinations at the medical centre, you need to provide a passport, a medical insuranсe and a referral from a doctor. Sometimes a doctor sends a patient to a specialised medical institution, fitted with more accurate equipment compared to that used in that institution, to clarify the diagnosis.

a doctor at the Medical Diagnostic Centre, Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan
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