An­ti­sep­tics from turk­men ma­nu­factu­rers

4 March 2022

In mo­dern con­di­tions around the world, the is­sues of di­sin­fecti­on in pub­lic places are of par­ticular im­por­tance. In this re­gard, to­day hy­gie­ne pro­ducts are in great de­mand, which accor­ding­ly gives ri­se to supp­ly. The­re­fo­re, in recent years, the num­ber of en­terp­ri­ses specia­li­sing in the pro­ducti­on of de­ter­gents and di­sin­fectants has no­ticeab­ly increa­sed in Turk­me­nis­tan.

In or­der to find out how the an­ti­bacte­rial supp­lies we use dai­ly are ma­de, cor­res­pon­dents of the NT news­pa­per went to the Täç Hil in­dividual en­terp­ri­se.

NT Pho­to: Ha­san MA­GA­DOV
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