Ta­king Care of Faith­ful Friend – Ala­bay

25 February 2022

In recent years, the unp­receden­ted con­di­tions have be­en crea­ted to pro­mo­te the Ala­bay breed, and much work is to be do­ne in the ne­ar fu­tu­re. In 2020, the Pre­si­dent app­roved the pro­jects of the Ala­bay Bree­ding Cent­res, which are to be built in Ash­ga­bat and the Bal­kan, Das­ho­guz, Le­bap and Ma­ry velayats. The first facili­ties have be­en ope­ned: a specia­li­sed dog nur­se­ry and a vete­ri­na­ry cli­nic.

Af­ter the es­tab­lish­ment of the In­ter­na­tio­nal As­socia­tion of the Turk­men Ala­bay and the be­gin­ning of the work to­wards inscri­bing the art of rai­sing and bree­ding of the ala­bay in­to the UNESCO Rep­re­sen­ta­tive List of the In­tan­gib­le Cul­tu­ral He­ri­ta­ge of Hu­ma­ni­ty, the cen­tu­ries-old pas­sion of the Turk­men peop­le for imp­roving the breed ta­kes on a new di­recti­on of develop­ment, and the im­por­tance of the ef­forts of cyno­lo­gists and ama­teur bree­ders in ta­king care of the living em­bo­di­ment of the he­ri­ta­ge of the ancient Turk­men land increa­ses. In accor­dance with the Decree of Pre­si­dent

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