Physical Activity and Health

24 December 2021

Regular physical activity not only contributes to the strengthening and preservation of health, but also significantly reduces the risk of the development of the most important socially significant diseases: type II diabetes, cancer and hypertension. Physical activity has a positive effect on our health and improves the quality of life.

Even 30 minutes a day of physical activity are very important and give the following benefits: lower the risk of heart attack and blood cholesterol, leading to weight normalisation. It is also important to note about a decreased risk of developing hypertension, some types of cancer, type II diabetes, osteoporosis and fractures. When we are physically active, nature gives us power to strengthen the body’s coordination, to reduce the risk of falls and to strengthen the bone tissues, which leads to the improvement of wellbeing and mood and the normalisation of sleep.

Doctor of Functional Diagnostics at the Central Medical and Recreation Hospital
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