Legislative reflection of the cultural heritage of the turkmen people

25 March 2023

Culture is one of the most important areas of public policy. In this regard, every success in the field of culture includes a whole set of different social goals. The cultural heritage of the Turkmen people is reflected in the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the laws and other regulatory legal acts.

As provided for in Articles 15 and 16 of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, «The state is responsible for the preservation of national historical, cultural and natural heritage, the preservation of the environment, and the maintenance of equality between social and national communities. The state encourages scientific, technical and artistic creativity and the dissemination of its positive results. The state promotes the development of science, technical area and technology, as well as supports international cooperation in these areas. The state's science and technology policy is in the interest of society and everyone». The content of this concept includes human intellectual work, inventions created by works of art, industrial designs, goods, service symbols, as well as works of science, literature etc.

Student of the Department of «Power Supply», Faculty of Energy and Engineering Facility of Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas
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