Türkmeniň nusgalyk alabaýy

Founder: International Association "Turkmen Alabai Dogs"
Adress: Ashgabat, Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue., 553/2
Telephones: 39-00-72


‘Green’ encyclopaedia

As is known, labour achievements have become a principle and a tradition on the eve of the festive events and celebrations in our country. This year, the Turkmen leader’s new books, namely, ‘White City Ashgabat’ and ‘Independence – Our Happiness’, were presented on the eve of the 140th anniversary of the capital and of the 30th anniversary of independence respectively. The Volume XIII of the encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ by the President of Turkmenistan became a wonderful gift on the Day of Health Workers and the Medical Industry of our country. The new book, like other volumes, won the hearts of our people. This work describes in detail the medicinal and healing properties, growth, distribution, collection, storage, preparation and use of the plants that are important in the protection of human health.

People’s health is national wealth

To date, physicians advise to wear a medical face mask due to the excessive amount of dust particles in the air. The mask is the safest way to prevent diseases. Wash your hands with soap or use disinfectants before touching the mask. People should place the plastic piece of the mask over the nose and adjust the folds to cover mouth, nose and chin well. Avoid touching the mask! Discard the mask immediately after use preferably into a closed bin. People should wash hands with soap under running water for 20 seconds and should use sanitizers throughout the day. The use of antiseptic soaps is more effective.

Basic Recommendations for ARVI

Follow the rules of personal hygiene – wash your hands often with soap, do not touch your mouth and nose Be outdoors daily, ventilate the premises regularly

Be healthy and strong!

To date, physicians advise to wear a medical face mask due to the excessive amount of dust particles in the air. The mask is the safest way to prevent disease. Personal hygiene rules prevent infectious diseases that can occur every season. Infectious diseases are mainly transmitted through dirty hands, uncooked food, and unclean water. Hygiene rules must be followed to improve health. This is very important, and every person should apply these rules in family. Parents should control their children in this context. People should do physical exercises and follow the hygiene rules to protect themselves against different infectious diseases and to stay healthy and strong.

Path of Health is a source of wellness

The President of Turkmenistan has made an ascension to the Path of Health in the morning of his weekend, engaged in sports and has once again set a shining example for the young people. The Turkmen leader’s example plays an important role in strengthening the principles of a healthy lifestyle in our society and in promoting the mass physical culture and sports among the youth. As is known, the concern for the physically and spiritually healthy, broad-minded young generation is a special aspect of the state policy put forward by the President of Turkmenistan. At the initiative of the Turkmen leader, the activities aimed at developing the mass physical culture and high-level sports and at promoting the principles of a healthy lifestyle are held in our country on a regular basis.

Clean Water — Healthy Life!

Water is vital for humans and has an impact on their health. And this is not surprising, since human body consists almost 70 per cent of water. Moreover, this water must be renewed every 7-10 days! Therefore, not only the renewal of our body, but above all our health depends on quality of drinking water. For a long time, there have been discussions that a person should drink 2-2.5 litres of liquid a day. Many diseases are caused by a lack of it in the body. Even mild dehydration can negatively affect our wellbeing. It is very helpful to start your morning with a glass of clean water. It is water that rejuvenates and strengthens our body. Drinking water regularly throughout the day is an excellent prevention of overeating. To consume water is essential for keeping good physical shape. With the help of water, harmful substances are removed from the body, and physical and chemical reactions associated with metabolism are carried out; evaporating from the surface of the skin, water is involved in thermoregulation.

Tips for preventing seasonal acute respiratory infectious diseases that could be caught with climate change:

Personal hygiene Observe the rules of personal and public hygiene! Wear a medical mask, observe a safe distance of 2 metres and keep your hands clean!

Fol­low the Ru­les of Hy­gie­ne!

To pro­tect your­self from in­fecti­on, you should first fol­low the ru­les of per­so­nal hy­gie­ne. Ke­ep your hands cle­an – of­ten wash them with so­ap and wa­ter for 20 seconds and then wi­pe them dry with a dis­po­sab­le pa­per to­wel. It is advisab­le to have an­ti­sep­tic wi­pes or liquid agents with you (gels, sprays and ot­hers). Try not to touch your mouth, no­se or eyes with un­was­hed hands. Use a mask when visi­ting pub­lic places and in pub­lic trans­port. Re­mem­ber, the mask needs to be chan­ged every 2 hours. Ke­ep the dis­tance (1.5 - 2 met­res).

Good health is above wealth

Impressive work is underway to protect the health of people in our country and to prevent seasonal acute respiratory and virus diseases that can occur due to changes in the weather conditions. For prevention of seasonal acute respiratory and virus diseases that may occur due to the cold weather, people should dress according to the season and should adhere to the restrictions on visiting the public places.

Tas­ty and healt­hy

The Turk­men na­tio­nal cui­si­ne that has develo­ped throug­hout the his­to­ry of our peop­le is fa­mous for its diver­si­ty. Gour­met dis­hes, pas­sed down from one ge­ne­ra­tion to anot­her, still de­light gour­mets. The secrets of their coo­king, en­riched over ma­ny cen­tu­ries, are in the re­liab­le hands of our glo­rious wo­men, each of whom is a chef by vocation, an un­sur­pas­sed mas­ter of the culi­na­ry art. Much, first of all the health of each fa­mi­ly mem­ber, de­pends on fo­od, which is the ba­sis of the dai­ly me­nu. We all love nood­les, the so-cal­led unash.

Discip­li­ned Out­door Be­haviour

In the Era of Might and Hap­pi­ness, one of the im­por­tant prio­ri­ties of our sta­te po­licy is strengt­he­ning the health of the na­tion and brin­ging up a phy­sical­ly har­de­ned and spi­ri­tual­ly rich youn­ger ge­ne­ra­tion. Pre­si­dent Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov ta­kes concre­te and con­sis­tent steps in this di­recti­on. Among them are the hol­ding of lar­ge-scale sta­te actions, one of which, “Ro­ad sa­fe­ty – tranquil­li­ty of our lives” is tra­di­tio­nal­ly held in Sep­tem­ber. Ro­ad sa­fe­ty is a hu­ge set of mea­su­res to en­su­re the sa­fe­ty of all ro­ad users. He­re are so­me tips to fol­low, comp­liance with which will teach discip­li­ned be­haviour on the roads.

Doctor’s advice

«7/24.tm», № 35 (66), 30.08.2021. Keep your hands clean and wash them with clean water and soap regularly or use a disinfectant.

Health Resorts of the Country Waiting for Visitors

Visit Your Family Doctor before Your Trip to the Sanatorium This year, a temporary procedure for staying at the sanatoria and health resorts of the country has been developed. Director of the Information Centre at the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan Ogulmyahri Geldiyeva told NT in an interview that everyone must visit their family doctor before visiting the sanatorium.

Delicious Summer Berry Quenches Thirst

The culinary two-volume book Turkmen Dastarhan, published on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is of particular relevance at any time of the year, because the traditional cuisine is rich in its variety in any season. The book features a wide range of local products. The favourite melon-like crop such as watermelon is especially relevant on hot days. This summer has been very hot. However, not for thermophilic melons and gourds. Turkmen nature has created ideal conditions for growing watermelons. This is a creeping vine, belonging to the annual herbaceous plants of the Cucurbitaceae plant family. A tasty and healthy delicacy is salvation from thirst in the summer heat.

Rules for every day

In the coming week, according to weather forecast, hot weather awaits us. Particularly vulnerable in such weather are people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, elders, pregnant women, nursing mothers and small children. According to the advice of medical specialists, the main condition for this category of people is not to overheat. To do this, it is worth excluding being outside from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Going out, wear loose clothing made of light natural fabrics of light colours and be sure to cover your head with some headwear or to use an umbrella.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

Organizational aspects of COVID-19 prevention

The issues of the country's readiness for the new global challenges of our time in the form of various infectious pathologies are in the center of attention of the President of Turkmenistan. Considering the growing spread of COVID-19 infection around the world and on the basis of anti-epidemic monitoring on January 2, 2020, anti-epidemic measures were introduced in the country to protect the country's territory from the importation of coronavirus infection.

Determination of trans fat and salt content in food products

The health status of the population is one of the main indicators of the country's well-being. For health, artificial trans isomers formed during the industrial processing of liquid and animal fats are more dangerous [5-6]. In most countries, trans fats are still widely used in the preparation of confectionery, fast food, snacks and processed foods. Trans fats are not nutrients and must be replaced with unsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Fortification of wheat flour with iron on flour mills of Turkmenistan

Fortification of staple foods such as wheat flour, salt and oil makes these foods more nutritious and does not require changing eating habits. The most typical components of a premix to be added to flour are iron salts and folic acid [5].

Humoral immunity state of the population against COVID-19 infection

Despite the economic downturn in the developed countries of the world during COVID-19 pandemic, owing to the "Open Door" policy announced by the esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, international relations in our country are developing rapidly. Based on decisions taken by the Emergency Commission of Turkmenistan for combating the spread of disease in order to protect the borders of Turkmenistan from the pandemic infection COVID-19 and to prevent the spread of this infection across the country, the epidemiological well-being is under strict control.