In­de­pen­dence and De­mocra­tic Values

17 September 2021

It is quite obvious that an ana­ly­tical excur­sus in­to the chro­no­lo­gy of achievements over 30 years of the sovereign develop­ment of the Turk­men sta­te is im­pos­sib­le wit­hout a de­tai­led stu­dy of the dy­na­mics of trans­for­ma­tions in the socio-po­li­tical li­fe of the count­ry. The on­going re­forms, which not on­ly serve as an in­ductor of in­ter­nal proces­ses, but al­so ge­ne­ra­te a key po­li­tical factor in op­ti­mi­sing exter­nal re­la­tions, are to strengt­hen the de­mocra­tic and le­gal fra­me­works of our society. It should be no­ted that it was de­mocracy that de­ter­mi­ned the furt­her cour­se of the sta­te at the first sta­ges of its sovereign develop­ment. The­re­fo­re, the work to strengt­hen and imp­rove the po­li­tical and le­gal fra­me­works of our sta­te, the Ba­sic Law of which de­fi­nes de­mocra­tic develop­ment as the ini­tial vector of the path of in­de­pen­dence, was car­ried out in coor­di­na­tion with the ful­fil­ment of such a ba­sic task as the for­ma­tion of an accep­tab­le foun­da­tion for the de­mocra­tic princip­les of the na­tio­nal society.

In Turk­me­nis­tan, which accor­ding to the Cons­ti­tu­tion is a de­mocra­tic, law-ba­sed and secular sta­te, a hu­ge work has be­en do­ne to crea­te a na­tio­nal de­mocracy that meets the men­ta­li­ty, cre­do, li­fe foun­da­tions, tra­di­tions and cus­toms of the peop­le and al­so the fun­da­men­tal norms of in­ter­na­tio­nal law. This is il­lust­ra­ted by the cons­ti­tu­tio­nal re­forms con­ducted at the ini­tia­tive of the es­tee­med Pre­si­dent in 2008, 2016 and 2020, which at the cur­rent sta­ge of glo­bal develop­ment have ma­de it pos­sib­le to develop and es­tab­lish the univer­sal princip­les of de­mocra­ti­sa­tion that are re­sis­tant to me­ta­morp­ho­ses of li­fe.

Chair­man of the De­mocra­tic Par­ty of Turk­me­nis­tan, de­pu­ty of the Mej­lis of the Mil­li Gen­gesh of Turk­me­nis­tan, Pho­to: Sa­git ADY­GOV