Avaza – a modern resort on the seashore

5 August 2022

The sun, sea, clear water and golden sandy beaches, fresh sea air, as well as modern methods of restoring health and preventing diseases, are offered to their patients by the Avaza sanatorium, located in the National Tourism Zone of the same name. Commissioned in July 2018 and designed for 200 guests, the Sanatorium welcomes tourists all year round.

However, unlike other health resorts in the country, for those who travel to Avaza, vaccination against coronavirus infection is a prerequisite. In addition, in accordance with the temporary order of rest in the resorts of the country, it is necessary to contact a family doctor, to obtain a sanatorium voucher and to pass a test for COVID-19 not earlier than 72 hours before the trip. Going through all the procedures and receiving a migration card required to enter the tourist zone, you can go to the Sanatorium, which is located on the shore of the Caspian Sea in the Avaza etrap of the Balkan velayat.

NT. Photo: Sagit ADYGOV
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