Supporting Joint Efforts

29 July 2022

Preparations are underway for a complete population and housing census, which will be conducted in Turkmenistan on December 17-27, 2022 using digital technologies. In close cooperation with the Government of Turkmenistan, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is making its contribution to the preparatory work. Supporting the joint efforts, the UNFPA has provided the State Committee on Statistics with census equipment, which will allow conducting a digital census for the first time in Turkmenistan.

A population census is the most important source of information that provides the basis for the development of short-term and long-term socioeconomic development programmes of each country. For example, the population census results only produce such indicators as the level of education, age, family structure and housing conditions, and this makes it unique. In June 2015, the UN adopted a Resolution urging every country to conduct at least one census during the period from 2015–2024. Many of the indicators and sections for which data will be obtained indicate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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