The western part of our country abounds with sacred monuments. Mashat Messarian, Parav Bibi, Gozli Ata, Shibli Baba and Ibrahim Hoja are located there. There are also little-known historical and archaeological sites, situated far away from the urban civilisation, studied little and visited rarely. One of them is the ruins of the Igdy-kala fortress. While participating in field expeditions for many years, I happened to drive more than once not far from that place – just a few kilometres, but I visited the fortress only last spring, after I had determined its exact coordinates through satellite navigation.
…In the spring, during the flowering and fruiting periods, the cover of dune sands makes an inimitable impression. Blooming populations of strigosella are scattered over vast areas and create a kind of mosaic effect on the dune slopes – the lilac-violet spots among tall grasses, “raging” in the wind, that rise during the short rain season. At that time, the blossoming and fruiting kandym, whose flowers emit a delicate aroma and whose fruits look like bushy balls, is charming. The bushes studded with brightly coloured “balls” resemble a New Year tree.