MMA Fighters Go to the Platform

2 February 2024

Last weekend, the Ashgabat sports complex was the venue for the Open Championships of the Han Mu Do MMA (mixed martial arts) Federation that marked the motto of the year “The Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”. The great popularity of this martial art in our country is illustrated by the number of participants in the tournament – about 200 fighters representing the teams from the capital and the Ahal and Lebap velayats.

The athletes were divided into three age groups. According to the rules, one five-minute round was held to determine the winner in the matches in the adult category, a four-minute round in the junior category and a three-minute round for the youngest participants, for many of whom this year’s championships became the first tournament in their sports career. The regulations also required the participants to fight without protective headgear.

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