Personal hygiene practices

16 November 2021

Human skin protects the entire body from all kinds of environmental influences. Keeping the skin clean is very important, because in addition to the protective function, it performs the thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory and other functions.

To maintain the skin clean, and so that it will work most effectively to protect the body, it is necessary to bathe in warm water every day. Also, keep your hands and nails clean. Dirt from the hands containing pathogens can enter our bodies through the mouth with food. For example, dysentery, as well as many other ailments, are called ‘dirty hands’ disease. Hands should be washed before and after using the toilet, before and after eating, after contact with animals. If you are on the road, then wipe your hands with a damp cloth or use disinfectants and sprays to kill at least some amount of germs.

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