Tas­ty and healt­hy

10 September 2021

The Turk­men na­tio­nal cui­si­ne that has develo­ped throug­hout the his­to­ry of our peop­le is fa­mous for its diver­si­ty. Gour­met dis­hes, pas­sed down from one ge­ne­ra­tion to anot­her, still de­light gour­mets. The secrets of their coo­king, en­riched over ma­ny cen­tu­ries, are in the re­liab­le hands of our glo­rious wo­men, each of whom is a chef by vocation, an un­sur­pas­sed mas­ter of the culi­na­ry art.

Much, first of all the health of each fa­mi­ly mem­ber, de­pends on fo­od, which is the ba­sis of the dai­ly me­nu. We all love nood­les, the so-cal­led unash.

Toy­jan BOR­JA­KOV,
NT. Pho­tos: Sa­git BA­TA­LOV
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