Rules for staying healthy

19 February 2021

Often, the cold season and constant changes in the weather are accompanied by colds and acute respiratory diseases. The reason is that many people forget about basic precautions, dressing lightly, neglecting personal hygiene and not giving the body proper rest. The observance of basic rules will help prevent the disease and stop its development.

However, first let’s figure out how the disease begins. The penetration of the causative agent of an infectious disease (viruses or bacteria) into the body of a healthy person is called infection. Sources of an infectious disease, a sick person or a healthy carrier, release microorganisms into the environment, which can enter the body of a healthy person through the air (when sneezing and coughing), things of common use, food and water.

Ogulmyahri GELDIYEVA,
the Director at the Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan
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