Healing Root at All Times

29 January 2021

Speaking at one of the sittings of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called upon scientists and health professionals “to take a science-based approach to using medicinal plants, including those that grow in our land and should be studied thoroughly.” Many regions of Turkmenistan (Kopetdag, Great Balkhan and Small Balkhan, Koytendag) abound in valuable species of medicinal plants. Liquorice (buyan in Turkmen, Glycyrrhiza glabra in Latin) has a special place among a huge number of useful wild plants that grow in the Amudarya valley.

It is also known as liquorice root and Glycyrrhiza glandulifera. The liquorice plant is an herbaceous perennial legume.

a leading research worker at the Institute of Medicinal Plants, Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Biology
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