Achievements reflected in fine arts

22 October 2021

The remarkable sports achievements enhance the prestige of our Motherland on the international arena, because sport is a symbol of friendship and unity between peoples, the ambassador of peace. That is why our outstanding athletes are known all over the world. The remarkable achievements of the Turkmen sport and victories of our professional athletes at the large international events are reflected in the fine arts. Their impressive results inspire our compatriots of all professions, including in artists, sculptors, and computer graphic designers.

The works of fine art depict the moments from the Turkmen wrestling fights, which decorate the national wedding ceremonies, the young cyclists and other great events. People look at the photos of our world-known weightlifter Altymyrat Orazdurdyev and feel that they are involved in the history of the Turkmen sport. Such works are exhibited for our compatriots in the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great. They reflect the wonderful moments and the events that have entered the history and highlight the heights reached by the Turkmen sport.

Chief Specialist, Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great.
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