Independence and sport

24 September 2021

Our beloved Motherland widely celebrates the 30th anniversary of independence in the year, which is being held under the motto ‘Turkmenistan – the Home of Peace and Trust’. In short period, Turkmenistan has gained worldwide recognition for the rapid development.

During the years of independence, great progress has been made in all spheres. Thus, the slogan by the Turkmen leader ‘the State is for People!’ has an important role in the policy aimed at developing social-oriented spheres, including in sports. To date, the Turkmen athletes and our compatriots who do physical culture and sports have received a great gift for the 30th anniversary of independence. As is known, the concern for people is a priority of the state policy put forward by the President of Turkmenistan. In this context, it should be noted that the mass physical culture and health movement is growing rapidly in Turkmenistan every year. The Turkmen people say ‘my health is my wealth’. This popular wisdom has special significance in the epoch of might and happiness. The large-scale transformations have resulted in new sports facilities built in the capital and regions, as well as in the reconstruction of the existing sports complexes in our country.

a 4th year student, the Institute of International Relations.
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