Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan visi­ted an exhi­bi­tion of achievements of the union of in­dust­ria­lists and ent­rep­re­neurs

15 April 2022

The Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan Ser­dar Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov visi­ted an exhi­bi­tion ti­med to coincide with the 14th an­niver­sa­ry of the Union of In­dust­ria­lists and Ent­rep­re­neurs and acquain­ted him­self with the ran­ge of pro­ducts and in­dust­rial goods ma­nu­factu­red by rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the count­ry’s bu­si­ness circles.

The develop­ment of the private sector of the na­tio­nal econo­my and sup­port for ent­rep­re­neu­rial ini­tia­tives are among the prio­ri­ties of the sta­te po­licy. In this con­text, gui­ded by best practices, par­ticular im­por­tance is at­tached to strengt­he­ning the po­si­tion of ent­rep­re­neurs­hip in the structu­re of the na­tio­nal econo­my, which opens up broad pros­pects for Turk­men bu­si­ness­men to achieve great re­sults in various fields, inclu­ding the sphe­re of the pro­ducti­on of fo­od and ot­her goods.

State News Agency
of Turkmenistan (TDH)
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