Sports prestige of the country

8 December 2023

The physical culture, health and sports movement gained a wide scope in our country in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. It has become a noble tradition to host the sports events that gather thousands of people from around the globe. The XIV World Kurash Championship held in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat on November 23–28, 2023, demonstrated the growing prestige of Turkmenistan in the world of sports.

In this context, an international media forum ‘XIV World Kurash Championship on International Media’ was held on the eve of the tournament. The officials of the International Kurash Association, the State Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan, the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan, representatives of the foreign and domestic mass media took part in the forum. A rich cultural programme was prepared for the guests before the Championship.

Uzukjemal Suleymanova,
a student, Aba Annaev International Equestrian Academy.
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