The Health doctri­ne of our Na­tio­nal Lea­der — the so­urce of pros­pe­rous and healt­hy li­fe

15 April 2021

Now it has become the usual ha­bit for me: on rest-da­ys or af­ter work whi­le having tea my hand stretches to the books­helf. It is very in­te­res­ting and plea­sant for me to read books writ­ten by our Na­tio­nal Leader on dif­fe­rent the­mes. Fol­lo­wing my usual ha­bit I be­gan rea­ding the bo­ok «The Doctri­ne of Ar­ka­dag is the So­urce of Health and Ins­pi­ra­tion» and af­ter it I decided to wri­te about the sig­ni­ficance of the healt­hy li­fe cour­se of our count­ry which became the pri­ma­ry trend of the sta­te po­licy in our count­ry. Of cour­se, in the year «Turk­me­nis­tan – the Ho­me of Peace and Trust» when such sacred no­tions as health, ins­pi­ra­tion are en­riched with glo­rious and his­to­ric events it is not by chance that I decided to wri­te about the health po­licy of our He­ro Ar­ka­dag. Because the healt­hy mo­de of li­fe can be se­en on the per­so­nal examp­le of our es­tee­med Pre­si­dent who go­es in for dif­fe­rent kinds of sports and his po­licy is di­rected at brin­ging up healt­hy young ge­ne­ra­tion.

The fun­da­men­tal works car­ried out by our es­tee­med Pre­si­dent, his great chan­ges in or­der to bring up young ge­ne­ra­tion who are the fu­tu­re of our Fat­her­land as educated, pat­rio­tic per­so­na­li­ties who have per­fect mo­ral fea­tu­res are invaluab­le wealth. First of all, the care for the health our peop­le, inclu­ding youth is one of the pri­ma­ry trends of the sta­te po­licy. Because our Na­tio­nal Lea­der un­der­li­nes: «The lar­gest wealth of our In­de­pen­dent sta­te of Turk­me­nis­tan is the health of its cou­ra­geous, wi­se and in­dust­rious peop­le». The «Sag­lyk» Sta­te Prog­ram wor­ked out un­der the gui­dance of our es­tee­med Pre­si­dent de­fi­nes the ma­in trends in strengt­he­ning health of the peop­le, in preven­tion of di­sea­ses, main­ly, in pro­lon­ging li­fe-lon­gevity. The encyclo­pe­dic books «Me­dicinal Plants of Turk­me­nis­tan» writ­ten by our Scien­tist Pre­si­dent are valuab­le hand­books in health pro­tecti­on of our peop­le. Broa­de­ning the const­ructi­on of hos­pi­tals and po­lycli­nics equip­ped with mo­dern me­dical equip­ments and techno­lo­gies and nu­me­rous sa­na­to­ria, sport const­ructions, me­dical diag­nos­tic cent­res tur­ned our po­wer­ful sta­te in­to the count­ry of health and high spi­rits. Owing to the ef­forts of our es­tee­med Pre­si­dent crea­tion of electro­nic di­gi­tal sys­tem in or­der to supp­ly with in­for­ma­tion the me­dical sys­tem and to imp­rove gover­ning it is the peculiar fea­tu­re of this branch. It crea­ted con­di­tions to con­nect with electro­nic sys­tem the Sta­te Me­dical Univer­si­ty of Turk­me­nis­tan, po­lycli­nics, hos­pi­tals, sa­na­to­ria and to supp­ly the po­pu­la­tion with me­dical cards. La­unching of «Turk­menÄlem 52ºE» na­tio­nal sa­tel­li­te in­to space and its work favou­red using the techno­lo­gies of te­le­me­dicine and dis­tance education, per­fecting of expe­rience and dis­tance con­sul­ta­tions of pa­tients.

Yag­myr NU­RYYEV,
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